in hive-184437 •  4 years ago  (edited)



Hello! My name is @dael28, I am Venezuelan and from this wonderful country I send you a great greeting!

He started a new year, and with this came covid-19. Since January a new classification of strain/coronavirus has been released, affecting the most vulnerable individuals.
Unfortunately it harms the health of people over the age of 60, those with cardiopaths, immunocompromised, asthmatics, diabetics, and others.
In my country it became known about covid-19 shortly after the information boom of deaths and other cases in Europe.
It was said that there were no cases yet in Venezuela, but at the beginning of March, the government of my country made a national television network, radio and social networks, communicating the start of a quarantine and taking the necessary measures to prevent the well-known covid-19.
"The virus that has terrified the whole world".
Although at that time they did not assume that there were cases in Venezuela, from my perspective there were already flights, entrances and departures Venezuelans and foreigners was notorious.
The government took over restricting flights from Panama and Spain. As well as the closure of the borders with Colombia.
A short time later, the government confirmed a positive covid-19 case in two older adults, aged between 46 and 56, These people had traveled to Spain and the United States (USA).
Chaos began... That day I was buying some food to make some food pate for lunch. Due to the high costs of the products, Venezuelans have chosen to make daily purchases with the profits of a daily work.
I saw people coming in desperate, products like masks, vitamin c, antibacterial gel, soap, cleaning products, lemons, antibiotics.
I thought, 'This is going to get really ugly. After this, the bombardment of information began, messages from family members communicating, those with whom we live and those who are outside Venezuela, those who have emigrated.
Some of the messages are simply How are they? Are you protecting ? Do you have masks? Do you wear latex gloves? Did they take his vitamins?, it's best to wash your hands, gargle, eat chicken leg, don't wear cloth masks, don't touch your face, don't leave your homes.
These were some of the topics of conversation (they still are), among my relatives and acquaintances. Days later the government reported that it would assume a quarantine, and that would only be open supermarkets and pharmacies.
The chaos! The people went out to buy, to procure the necessary in their homes, At that point in time is formed and there are long queues, in addition to the shortage of foodstuffs, the rise in exaggerated in the prices of all products, and every day this is most prices.
All this i write happened in the first 4 day of quarantine. In the news and press conferences, were added those infected, the 8, were 10, 17, 80 shortly after. The current rate of 117 infected and 1 died in Monagas.
What measures have been taken? After 15 days, the measures considered are:

  • Do not leave the house unless it is absolutely necessary.
  • Maintain a hygiene, wash your hands, face and mouth constantly.
  • Use of gloves and head caps or create your own head cap if you do not have the possibility to purchase one, when leaving the house.
  • Try not to approach people with a symptomatology similar to covid-19.
  • Leave clothes and shoes at the entrance of the house.
  • Clean the contaminated area with chlorine.
  • Don't crowd in public areas
  • Suspend payments of leases and rentals, basic services..

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