I would never get tired of admiring these magnificent mountains.
We feel very small in this immensity, surrounded by so much beauty.
The mountains which change color with the sandstone of the sun and the clouds are just splendid.
Be advise, a 1 hour journey can easily turn into 4 hours of driving because the stops are so frequent to admire what you have in front of your eyes.
I must say that the road is quite beautiful, despite some sections of dirt which are still quite well maintained.
We still have to stay alert behind the wheel so as not to end up in a ravine by badly negotiating a turn.
We drive for hours without meeting a living soul and we are not in a hurry to reach our destination because the landscape is so beautiful.
From arid mountains, to green valleys, to particular rock formations, there is something to see for everyone.
If we could replace the boring roads of some countries, car travel would be even more popular.
Photo taken with a Canon PowerShot A620.
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