This small village is located only 10 kilometers from Suzdal, but it seems everyone has forgotten about it except the local residents.
I got here almost by accident - I was looking for where to shoot the dawn, not far from Suzdal. But now with pleasure I come back here again and again.
For some reason, it seems that in this small village in the Vladimir region, the Russian spirit is felt. Apparently, the whole thing is in a very concise and beautiful church, which is ideally fit into the surrounding landscape.
Temple, birches, silence and freshness of an early cool morning. Well, yes, the temple is a bit abandoned. But from afar it’s not very visible.
The Temple of Michael the Archangel, built in 1817, stands on a hill and its domes (more precisely, what remains of them) can be seen even from neighboring villages. Yes, before they knew how to choose places for temples.
In the last year, the temple was slowly being restored with donations. Conducted emergency work. And a couple of times a year there are services.