First day: step in Bandarban's vehicle on the left.From Bandarban to the moon to noon.Book direct from Thanchi toward the West.Walking from the Lotus toward the evening ৪ tae to the thuis neighborhood.He's a barbaric effort.Trekking around evening time on a cliff,sloping, steep hill.It's occasionally missing, falling, detach the Thorns.To get off the hazardously mountain, demise is sure to counterattack a tad. Huge numbers of different gatherings began crying.Walking around doesn't clear a path out.In along these lines, nightfall ' walk, night পৌ. Remember to clean up in obscurity around evening time ১২ Ta jhir before the thuisa falls.Dinner is cold rice,a tad of chicken, squashed potatoes.I don't talk or I said.When you eat that way, you can sleep.।You go to the can without heading off to the jungle.Sleeping in one room by জন-১৫.
Second day: it's past the point of no return for everybody to wake up in the primary cruel effort.Again today, the rice-chicken-crushed potatoes.Journey to amiakhm at sunrise.Walk up the mountains through the wild.And I didn't make reference to the renowned God's mountain.The tafest Hill. ১৫০০ feet tall slope straight around the precarious It took around two hours to get off.I'll stroll around and stroke my cerebrums out at noon.The mind is moved to the scene.Raft emergency, Due to the time emergency it is beyond the realm of imagination to expect to enter the vellakhm.Then it's an extraordinary second to walk ১০ minutes.Oh, what an exquisite story.Mugs cooked noodles in amiakhum.He was in control, sibling Zai, sibling Vikram.Noodles are cold again in amiakhm water.That's the manner by which I ate it without rice.Seven siblings in the mountains, going to see the murmur.That's seven siblings on a moment walk.Stone and hard ways to rest from one leg to another.After that, seven siblings to swim inside the room that was impractical for us.Then on a similar approach to Thusa shore in the afternoon.Climb the god Hill Easy-going hard.It just took ৪০-৪৫ minutes and a half to two hours to get out.On your knees, on your knees, on your knees, on your knees, on your knees, on your knees.The Gobi Network Zone on the thinusa bank will give you a ton of work.Bai da street, father of Farman.Items were chicken, goat meat, pureed potatoes, pulses.Everyone helped him do whatever he could.In a two-day preliminary, the food was as normal as Amrit.He's likewise very much cooked with a couple items.Ten o'clock ten আর no longer had around evening time ১২ Times B line party put of cushy sibling 💃
Third day: it's past the point where it is possible to wake up once more. After breakfast, they pack their backs on the reason for nafakah.It starts again.But indeed we had appreciated such a lovely view on the road that I had overlooked all the pain.Noon ১.Water flutter.Journey to remacriti from three.The arrangement was for the boat.But it was a respect to reach it.The vessel isn't found, and it is too risky to even think about going on a Rock River. We're compelled to remain in remakry.But the earth for remakry, and I disregarded the chimpesh chat.It was a decent supper for remakry. 👏
Fourth day: wake up at day break ৬ টPlease leave it to TheChi on the boat.৩ another pleasant hour vessel journey.On the path to the waterway Indu, numerous nainaviram including enormous stones, are mists cleaned up by the mountains that can't be forgotten.I see an immense stone on the river.You will have the option to begin the system at Robi-Airtel.At Thanchi.On the best approach to Bandarban by riding the moon.Entrance to Bandarban, at noon.Don't go to the city of Chittagong in the region.
Glad completion.
In this four-day visit, I work so hard,such a risky mountain, similar to the elderly person who strolled into a cliphap.
I truly incline toward not to spilled people.Inhumane work must be followed the way that visits must start or cry many occasions won't advantage them.
They would prefer not to be trusted by anyone.Think about it. 😱
The individuals who with to do this: back-pack,not CAP,head cap,pass,shoes, ID cards, photocopiers,mobile,rubber, SIM,power bank,water bottle,medicine,one time wrap, dry nourishments, for example, noodles,Persimmon,chocolate.Odoms, salt, Salines. Sacks are light as light as pack.Remember, with this pack you need to stroll for ৭-৮ hours consistently.
The individuals who need to dodge experience and rush will have the option to become insubordinate legitimately from TheChi.
Cheerful trekking