The arrogance of power, education and economic prosperity has driven people to the path of darkness by floating in the cosmic current of a lie. Every drop of earth is filled with sin. But if we want, we can learn from this pure and gentle nature. How incessantly they are going through our endless stream with both hands full.
As rain water washes away worldly sins and heat. In the intensity of the sun, the algae accumulates all the sorrows and pains. In the same way, in the middle of the noon with soft water in the chest of a calm river, his feeling of loneliness seems to give way to the divine beauty. Then why don't we become like nature? Why not be as generous as the silver light of night? Is all the contribution of green nature but false?
The flowing river is a mound of filled stones, the green forest becomes a factory, the sea is divided, the night sky also becomes bifurcated. There is now a yojana yojana gap between man and nature. Nature is truly silent in this cruelty of man. But nature also wants to live like itself.