Hello Steemit Viewers Welcome Back Another Blog
I want to do some travel blogs I want to explore Malaysia a little more and then beyond do some more countries get back to what we want to do and man I'm really nervous about this visa process both those things taken care of that's true
I know we don't have to pay for the visa which is good because it cost you would have cost us 100 really to renew or extend our fees amazing so we're good to stay we're good to travel stay tuned for more travel blogs guys we'll do some local travels around here night markets are be opening up Chinatown
We'll try to go ahead night markets amazing where's the best night markets around look at those time let us know what to check out around bukit bintang um barber and so on i don't go to the barber too much of on it
I also just cut my own hair it looks good the bathroom was a mess his hair clippings everywhere but it worked out you did agree up and also gym your a lot to go to gym now so we're hoping that we can go back to pharaohs Jim Farrell Jim thank you for that blog will to promote Farrell gym a little bit we should go to Tijuana Islands I think for scuba before we take off to Sabah imagesource
I'm so glad our prayers were answered guys everything we want we got allowed to stay we're allowed to travel and by the time our MC was over we'll be into other countries doing what we want to do travel blogging showing you guys the world different cuisines different cultures learning about stuff new ideas new thoughts and just new experiences going back to what we really love doing that's you right
I think a lot of you guys are also excited to go back to your hometown and celebrate a good point with your family good point yes it's comfy comfy no Bali compo boom boom come means the killer is it go back to your hometown everything is going back to normal it's great that we're in Malaysia because I really feel like I really feel confident in the government's decisions so many countries you know you go online you hear of other countries and the citizens are like second guessing will take cover it's doing what it seems like Malaysia's government
He seems competent and functional and it did the right thing and the citizens are like yeah do that that's good Malaysia has done a really good job I'm a transition from blazing MCO the movement control order yes to CMC or the traditional NGO and then now is the RM Co recovery recovery MCO so maze transition from that from being really thick and we have to stay in our home
We can go out and travel within Malaysia it's really great research shows that the Malaysian government is they care about the economy as well as its nation's health safety that was well said aliza and we are here and thank you to Malaysia for letting the best I mean it was a little bit unfortunate unexpected unplanned all we had to stay in Malaysia for this long the world is shutting down there's a virus like
My gosh never seen this before but it worked out great we love Malaysia tons of good blogs tons I met tons of good people Ajmal at a jeeps house is like standing out of my head so amazing yeah and then and then now we're getting back to traveling locally and then hopefully maybe the end of August traveling internationally hmm five stars
Wow love you guys Malaysia what more do ya I don't know are you guys looking forward to traveling around Malaysia like are you guys looking forward to go on a holiday yes or are you guys still worried about the possibility of the second wave coming well the second wave everyone's time with it
I guess it will come and then it won't be as big the second wave will be smaller because we did such a good job Malaysia did such a good job on the first wave yeah yeah I think they're controlling the situation well yes they did say in a p.m.
They have mentioned if the we are really with we're really following the orders then maybe there is a possibility that the MCO will be lifted completely but if not there might be even a more restricted and CEO coming so follow the orders oh it might go from our MCO back to CMC oh yeah or you don't bring more restricted member
You gotta see what the future holds nobody knows what the future holds but I do have confidence in Malaysia's government they seem to be handling well so if it's time for our MCO if it's time for domestic travel and it's time for tomato trouble I think I'm doing the right thing I believe in them and also the people of Malaysia do they seem to be following the orders blog very well