Contest Photo Time Week 16 - Out for Foods

in hive-184714 •  2 months ago  (edited)

Dear Steemians 🙌

It's time to join another fun contest hosted by @italygame in italy community. All you have to do is create a post with photos about "passing time". Read the information in the post, carefully. It's not about how you pass the time with friends and family, but also about what happened when the time passes. You delivered a baby few years ago, then he/she grown up now. That's the evidence how time had passed. Be creative then 😉. Time is the only thing which never repeat.

I was having a good time in the week 15 edition. I enjoyed the other participants posts and quite happy to see how they interpreted the time passing photos. I learned a little about the feeling they had. So, I have decided to join again this week. All for fun!

My Entry:

Sunday Morning, January 5th, 2025. My husband @dipoabasch and I were taking our morning walk to an artificial lake made by Dutch Government when they occupied our country. The place known as Setu 7 Muara. It was created as a water reservoir for a former rubber plantation. Time passed, now the rubber plantation had turned into settlement. After 2 and half an hour walking, on our way back to home, we decided to have a breakfast at a small shop which serves "lontong sayur and sweet drinks".

We ordered 2 portion of Lontong Sayur (contains of rice cakes and spiced vegetables in coconut milk soup which tasted savory). I ordered multi fruits taste ice for me and mango taste ice for him as our drink. While waiting for the foods to be served, we discussed about the route we took before. Many interesting things we found that day. I had written a story about the lake 3-4 years ago. I was thinking of re-create the update post, but maybe later.

The plates were served in front of us on a small table at the front corner of the shop.

I clean up everything on my plate but hubby couldn't finished the sweet soup 😆 he even given up on his cup of mango tasted ice. I finished it all and we paid for the meals and drinks. Then we continued our walk back to home, full and fresh.

Have a blessed day, Good Luck and see you around!!

All photos taken with Poco X3 Pro belongs to my husband my phone was overheating due to simultaneous unrecommended use of camera

Posted using SteemMobile

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It's for the contest😆 I thought you're hungry because you clean everything up. By the way, you need to take care if your phone, cint🥲 too many apps and your gallery already had more than 13K photos

Kegiatan apa ini kak,, pengen coba posting juga di komunitas Italy sama Indonesia

Kontes melewati waktu. Terjemahkan saja yang bahasa inggrisnya, boleh nulis dalam bahasa Indonesia kok.

Midalnya kan, foto saat kita mau makan, piringnya berisi. terus setelah makan piring kosongnya. Atau foto piring yg sama sudah kita cuci.

Kalau bikin mie, foto bahan mentahnya, prosesnya lalu foto mie sudah jadi siap dikonsumsi. Atau foto kita saat sekarang dgn foto kita saat masih SD

Jadi intinya menampilkan objek yg sama dgn waktu yg berbeda tergantung fokusnya apa. Foto rumah makan saat pagi, diang dan sore.. tapi harus di tempat yg sama.

Coba saja ikutan dulu. Jangan pikir hadiahnya, berteman dulu banyak2

Bereh that dirimu.. ia saya mau ikut dan mau berteman Banyak-banyak

Nggak usah takut dgn bahasa, selama kita menulis benar translate tools akan memudahkan pembacanya. Jadi jangan translate sendiri kecuali mmg bisa bahasa inggris yaa. Kalaupun menggunakan google translate, gunakan bilingual atau pernyataan bahwa itu GT


Postingan ini aslinya saya tulis dalam bahasa Indonesia, saya menggunakan Google Translate untuk menerjemahkannya ke Bahasa Inggris atau Italia. Semua photo adalah milik saya dan diambil menggunakan "smartphone milikmu lengkap dengan tipenya" atau bila menggunakan aplikasi editing, sebutkan saja.

Dengan membiasakan ini, orang2 akan paham asalmu, kemampuan dan kejujuranmu.

Selamat mencoba!!

Baik kak, terimakasih atas ilmu dan arahannya.. terbaik cutkak @cicisaja