Still working on it

in hive-184714 •  9 months ago 

As always, projects stretch over time.

This bicycle had never been cleaned in 40 years, so I decided to take it apart and you can't imagine the amount of old hardened grease that was inside and between the seals!

I then realized that the wheel rims are not straight and even it is not possible to fix them because the spokes are too rusty, I had to buy new ones!

Now I have to buy tubular tires for the new wheels !

Second point: I bought a new Vintage crankset on eBay and the German runner stole my package ! .... So now I am fighting with the DPD delivery partner ! ( It's horrible )

What else.... Vo I will keep you updated.
It is a fight !

Come sempre i progetti si allungano nel tempo.

Questa bicicletta non era mai stata pulita in 40 anni, decisi dunque di smontarla e non vi immaginate la quantità di grasso vecchio indurito che stava all interno e tra le guarnizioni!

Mi resi poi conto che i cerchioni ruote non sono dritti e che nemmeno é possibile sistemarli perché i raggi sono troppo arrugginiti, ho dovuto comprarne die nuove!

Ora devo comprare copertoni tubulari per le nuove ruote !

Secondo punto: ho comprato una nuova guarnitura Vintage su eBay e il correriere tedesco mi ha rubato il pacco! .... Dunque ora sto litigando con la compagna di consegne DPD ! ( É orribile )

Che altro.... Vo terrò aggiornati.
É una lotta!

Wie immer dehnen sich Projekte mit der Zeit aus.

Dieses Fahrrad war in 40 Jahren nie gereinigt worden, also beschloss ich, es zu zerlegen, und Sie können sich nicht vorstellen, wie viel gehärtetes altes Fett in und zwischen den Dichtungen war!

Dann stellte ich fest, dass die Felgen nicht gerade sind und dass man sie nicht einmal reparieren kann, weil die Speichen zu rostig sind, ich musste neue kaufen!

Jetzt muss ich noch Schlauchreifen für die neuen Räder kaufen!

Zweiter Punkt: Ich habe bei eBay eine neue Vintage-Kurbelgarnitur gekauft und der deutsche Rennfahrer hat mein Paket gestohlen! .... Also kämpfe ich jetzt mit dem DPD Zustelldienst! ( Es ist furchtbar )

Was sonst.... Ich werde euch auf dem Laufenden halten.
Es ist ein Kampf!

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Taking on a 40-year-old bike restoration is no small feat! Dealing with rusty spokes, misaligned rims, and a courier mishap is a challenging journey. The dedication to the project, despite setbacks, is commendable. Best of luck with the ongoing fight, and may the vintage bike shine brightly once the battle is won!

Nice comment mate! Thbks a lot. I know you can understand me . Yeah,, is taking months .... Want to be ready for the next season :) thnks!

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