🌟 NEW CONTEST 🌟 Dear Steemians...Welcome To My Country - Cari Steemiani...Benvenuti Nel Mio Paese! [ENG-ITA]steemCreated with Sketch.

in hive-184714 •  4 years ago  (edited)


Greetings from Italy to the whole Steemit Community!

Here we are, the day has come. Finally I present to you our NEW CONTEST!

We have been talking about this initiative for weeks, even publicly, and if you have followed my blog you will also have seen the question and answer with Tino of @famigliacurione.

We are very excited to start with this proposal, because it is very important to us.

We are in a crucial phase of our expansion on Steemit and on my part there is every intention to continue investing time and resources to make growin'up our Italian community and everything that gravitates around the Steem world ever bigger and more important.

Dear Steemians...Welcome To My Country!


It all started with a comment by @steemcurator01 on my post, in which the Team launched the idea for a new initiative.

I liked it right away...I found it perfectly in our strings and it immediately jumped to the top of our priorities, undermining another project (Steem's Got Talent) that we will develop later.

The basic idea was to set up a sort of virtual travel agency, given that at this moment it's difficult to move around the world due to Covid emergency.
Users could have asked to visit a certain location, describing what their vacation should have included, and then another user would have had to propose a vacation plan.

Very very nice, but perhaps a little complicated to manage.

We wanted to make a work of simplification in order to make the proposal even more usable and fun. And we have added some ideas from these weeks of brainstorming.

Attention: I will involve the Country Reps (again), please I ask you to give visibility to the proposal: even if you are not interested, some users of your community could be, and since the rewards will be really relevant, I believe they must be informed about this opportunity.

I thank you in advance for the collaboration.

To participate in this contest, we want you to present a location in your country that you are very knowledgeable about, just as if you were a travel agency.
Better if it's somewhere close to your home, but you have all the freedom to choose.


1. Present your location: province, city, archaeological sites (for example), or any other place worth visiting
2. Explain how to reach the location
3. Tell us what is special, unique or particular in the place you are presenting
4. Tell us where we can stay and sleep
5. Give us some indications on where and what we can eat well
6. Talk about the average prices for staying in your location

These are just some of the guidelines you can follow to produce good content, but you are free to add whatever you think is useful for a virtual tourist to choose to visit your location.


  • We will have 4 weeks of competition and one winner for each week. So each user can write a post for each week
  • Resteem this post on your blog
  • Posts must be at least 400 words, preferably in English, but all languages are allowed
  • The posts must have in the title "Dear Steemians...Welcome to" eg. Argentina (Buenos Aires) - United States (New York) depending on the location you are presenting
  • The posts must be published in the Community Italy
  • Insert in the first 5 tags #dearsteemians #virtualtravelagency and the tag of the country you live in, for example #pakistan #ghana #venezuela
  • All posts must be original. The images you publish must be your property or copyright free
  • The first week of the challenge will take place from Tuesday 1st December to Monday 7th December 2020.


As already mentioned, a winner will be elected for each week.

And it will be chosen by the Community!!

The modality is very simple: all participants will have to insert the following link with this description at the end of their posts. 👇

If you like my location, vote by copying and pasting the link in a comment! Thanks!



Use this Markdown code ~~~ and hit enter
Paste the Image Link and hit enter (I recommend you center your image to make it look nicer, but it is not mandatory)
Use the Markdown code ~~~ again
This is what it will look like:


At the end of the week, I will do a count of the votes received and announce the winner in a post on my profile @girolamomarotta.

@steemcurator02 will prize with a 50% upvote the winner of the week!!

Then there will be some extra vote prizes each week, always from @steemcurator02:

  • 2nd place = 40% upvote

  • 3rd place = 30% upvote

  • 4th place = 20% upvote

  • 5th place = 10% upvote

These votes will be increased by 10% if the posts are set to Power Up 100% (and they are not powering down at the same time).

Also, I will support with my personal account and my trail @top.rewards.club all good and deserving contents.

I am sure, then, that @steemcurator01 will pay attention to the best posts and will evaluate whether to reward the ones they consider the best, regardless of the votes cast by the community.

Sharing your posts on Twitter is also welcome.

Insert a screenshot and the Tweet link in a comment on your post.

Well, we are ready to go!!

I hope that in these days before the start of the challenge there will be maximum sharing and that you will all have fun becoming a travel agent for a day.

Thanks to all of you for your attention

See you soon!


The post is set to Power Up 100%


Cc to all the CR's:-

Cameroon (@njiatanga, @saxopedia), Ghana (@njaywan, @oppongk), Nigeria (@beautychicks, @focusnow, @bright-obias, @whitestallion), Uganda (@yohan2on), Mexico (@leveuf), Argentina (@belenguerra, @fendit), Venezuela (@adeljose, @anasuleidy, @edlili24, @mariita52, @tocho2, @albenis, @inspiracion, @wilmer1988), Bangladesh (@rex-sumon, @tarpan, @toufiq777), India (@neerajkr03, @rishabh99946, @sapwood), Indonesia (@anroja, @ernaerningsih, @nazarul, @radjasalman), Japan (@cryptokannon), Pakistan (@rashid001), Sri Lanka (@besticofinder, @randulakoralage), Italy (@girolamomarotta), Russia (@filinpaul, @knopka145), Turkey (@alikoc07), Ukraine (@antorv, @olesia) and New Zealand (@kiwiscanfly).



Un saluto dall'Italia a tutta la comunità di Steemit!

Eccoci qua, il giorno è arrivato. Finalmente vi presento il nostro nuovo contest.

Di questa iniziativa stiamo parlando ormai da settimane, anche pubblicamente, e se avete seguito il mio blog avrete anche visto il botta e risposta con Tino di @famigliacurione.

Siamo molto entusiasti di partire con questa proposta, perché è molto importante per noi.

Siamo in una fase cruciale della nostra espansione su Steemit e da parte mia c'è tutta l'intenzione di continuare ad investire tempo e risorse per rendere la nostra comunità italiana e tutto ciò che ruota intorno al mondo Steem sempre più grande e importante.

Cari Steemiani...Benvenuti Nel Mio Paese!


Tutto è nato da un commento di @steemcurator01 ad un mio post, nel quale il Team lancia l'idea per una nuova iniziativa.

Mi è piaciuta subito...l'ho trovata perfettamente nelle nostre corde ed è subito balzata in cima alle nostre priorità, scalzando anche un altro progetto (Steem's Got Talent) che svilupperemo in seguito.

L'idea di base era quella di istituire una sorta di agenzia di viaggi virtuale, visto che in questo momento è difficile spostarsi a causa del Covid. Gli utenti avrebbero potuto chiedere di visitare una determinata località, descrivendo cosa avrebbe dovuto includere la loro vacanza e poi un altro utente avrebbe dovuto proporre un piano vacanza.

Molto molto bello, ma forse un po' complicato da gestire.

Noi abbiamo voluto compiere un'opera di semplificazione in modo da rendere l'idea ancora più fruibile e divertente. E abbiamo aggiunto qualche idea frutto di queste settimane di brainstorming.

Attenzione: coinvolgerò (di nuovo) i Country Rep, vi prego per favore di dare visibilità alla proposta: anche se voi non siete interessati, qualche utente della vostra comunità potrebbe esserlo e poiché i premi saranno davvero rilevanti, credo che debbano essere informati di questa opportunità.

Vi ringrazio in anticipo per questo.

Per partecipare a questo contest, vogliamo che voi presentiate una location della vostra nazione sulla quale siete molto informati, proprio come se foste un'agenzia di viaggi.
Meglio se si tratta di un posto vicino a casa vostra, ma avete libertà di scegliere.

Linee guida

1. Presentate la vostra location: provincia, città, siti archeologici (per esempio), o qualsiasi altro luogo che valga la pena visitare
2. Spiegate come raggiungere la location
3. Parlateci di cosa ha di speciale o particolare il posto che state presentando
4. Informateci su dove possiamo soggiornare
5. Dateci delle indicazioni su dove e cosa possiamo mangiare di buono
6. Parlate di quali sono i prezzi medi per soggiornare nella vostra località

Queste sono solo alcune delle indicazioni che potete seguire per produrre un buon contenuto, ma siete liberi di poter aggiungere tutto ciò che pensate sia utile per far sì che un turista virtuale scelga di visitare la vostra località.


  • Avremo 4 settimane di gara e un vincitore per ogni settimana. Quindi ogni utente potrà scrivere un post per ogni settimana di gara

  • Fate resteem di questo post sul vostro blog

  • I post dovranno essere di almeno 400 parole, preferibilmente in inglese, ma vanno bene tutte le lingue

  • I post dovranno avere nel titolo questa dicitura " Cari Steemiani...Benvenuti in " es. Argentina (Buenos Aires) - Stati Uniti (New York) in base a quella che è la location che state presentando

  • I post dovranno essere pubblicati nella Community Italy

  • Inserite nei primi 5 tag #dearsteemians #virtualtravelagency e il tag della nazione in cui vivete, per esempio #pakistan #ghana #venezuela

  • Tutti i post devono essere originali. Le immagini che pubblicherete devono essere di vostra proprietà o libere da copyright

  • La prima settimana della challenge si svolgerà da martedì 1 dicembre a lunedì 7 dicembre 2020.


Come già detto, per ogni settimana, verrà eletto un vincitore.

E verrà scelto dalla Community!!

La modalità è molto semplice: tutti i partecipanti dovranno inserire il seguente link con questa descrizione alla fine dei loro post. 👇

Se ti piace la mia location, vota copiando e incollando il link nei commenti! Grazie!



Usa questo codice Markdown ~~~ e premi invio
Incolla il link dell'immagine e premi invio (ti consiglio di centrare l'immagine per renderla più bella, ma non è obbligatorio)
Usa di nuovo il codice Markdown ~~~
Ecco come apparirà:


Al termine della settimana, farò un conteggio dei voti ricevuti e annuncerò il vincitore in un post sul mio profilo @girolamomarotta.

@steemcurator02 premierà con un upvote al 50% il vincitore della settimana!!

Poi ci saranno alcuni premi extra ogni settimana, sempre da @steemcurator02:

  • 2° posto = upvote al 40%

  • 3° posto = upvote al 30%

  • 4° posto = upvote al 20%

  • 5° posto = upvote al 10%

Questi voti saranno aumentati del 10% se i post saranno impostati su Power Up 100% (e gli utenti non non sono contemporaneamente in Power Down).

Inoltre, io supporterò con il mio account personale e con il mio trail @top.rewards.club tutti i contenuti validi e meritevoli.

Sono certo, poi, che @steemcurator01 presterà attenzione a tutti i post e valuterà se premiare quelli che ritiene i migliori, indipendentemente dai voti espressi dalla community.

Anche la condivisione dei vostri post su Twitter è gradita.

Inserite uno screenshot e il link del Tweet in un commento al vostro post.

Bene, siamo pronti per partire!!

Spero che in questi giorni prima dell'inizio della challenge ci sia la massima condivisione e che vi divertirete tutti a diventare agenti di viaggio per un giorno.

Grazie a tutti voi per l'attenzione

A presto!



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Very well done Girolamo! I believe we've done our best to make this simple, fun and rewarding! I will only add one thing for those who are not advanced users of Markdown, here is how you can insert the Image Link into your post.

  1. Use this Markdown code ~~~ and hit enter
  2. Paste the Image Link and hit enter (I recommend you center your image to make it look nicer, but it is not mandatory)
  3. Use the Markdown code ~~~ again

This is what it will look like:


Good luck everyone, and have fun!

Right Tino! I'm going to add your description in the post 👌

Thanks a lot, bro 🤗

No problem my Friend! Anything that can make this easier to participate in, will make it more fun!

Great to see this contest.

To help it along we can offer some extra vote prizes each week from @steemcurator02 (4M SP)...

These votes will be increased by 10% if the posts are set to Power Up 100% (and they are not powering down at the same time).

Happy travels !


Thank you so much for the amazing support!!

And thanks also for the extra prizes you have offered!!

I would just like to ask something regarding an organizational aspect.
Since I announced in the post that the winner would be set 100% beneficiary of my announcement post, for the first prize you should vote my post and for others, directly the participant posts.
If you think this mode is a little too complicated and could cause errors or something else, no problem...I can update the post and set the classic reward mode.

Let me know how you prefer.

Greetings 🤗

@steemcurator01 and @girolamomarotta
Hi guys, thank you so much for your support!
The dance projects that I run are open to all dance lovers and friends. All levels are welcome. I'm a funny guy and I like to entertain so dance is a perfect activity for me.

Probably easiest if we vote on the winners' posts directly.

Nice dance! You can enter @donatello's dance contests...

😆 That thin guy in the gif could participate for sure...his dance is hypnotic!
On the contrary, I'm not a good dancer like @donatello 😅

But I could sing...maybe one day I will exhibit in a performance here in Steemit and let you hear my voice.
Meanwhile, you could already hear it, since I started participating in @famigliacurione's Curione Live. Ok, there I talk...but it's at least a good start. 😁

P.S. I'm going to update the post for setting the classic reward mode.

Thanks a lot again! ✌️

Country Reps - do tell you communities about this contest...

Cameroon (@njiatanga, @saxopedia), Ghana (@njaywan, @oppongk), Nigeria (@focusnow, @bright-obias, @whitestallion), Uganda (@yohan2on), Mexico (@leveuf), Argentina (@belenguerra, @fendit), Venezuela (@adeljose, @anasuleidy, @edlili24, @mariita52, @tocho2, @albenis, @inspiracion, @wilmer1988), Bangladesh (@rex-sumon, @tarpan, @toufiq777), India (@neerajkr03, @rishabh99946, @sapwood), Indonesia (@anroja, @ernaerningsih, @nazarul, @radjasalman), Japan (@cryptokannon), Pakistan (@rashid001), Sri Lanka (@besticofinder, @randulakoralage), Italy (@girolamomarotta), Russia (@filinpaul, @knopka145), Turkey (@alikoc07), Ukraine (@antorv, @olesia) and New Zealand (@kiwiscanfly).

Great prizes on offer !

Great! I’m really happy to see you here, my dear colleagues 🤗

Welcome to all of you in the Italy Community 🇮🇹

I hope this can be a beautiful opportunity for having fun, creating new friendships and a lot of amazing contents!

Thank you very much @adeljose @inspiracion @besticofinder @rashid001 @neerajkr03 @sapwood ✌️🙌

Yes, definitely.

Thank you.

I hope this can be a beautiful opportunity for having fun, creating new friendships and a lot of amazing contents!

Thats great .

Thank You so much 🌹

Thanks for the mention.

¡Thank you! :D

Thanks for the notice. We will take part in this contest !

Thank You :)
I have Resteemed the initial post , and shared the link of contest post in STEEMIT PAKISTAN
community whatsapp group.

Thank you.

Sure. I will resteem and participate as well.

Sure, we will. Thank you.

Steem on.

You forgot my name 😜 @steemcurator01

Hello Dear Sri Lankans ,
I welcome you all to take part in this contest ! You can win big prices from @steemcurator01 and @steemcurator02 .

@rasinkani , @sandupi , @nishadi88 , @vishwara , @damithudaya , @inudi, @madushanka , @goldcoin , @madhumunasinghe , @masonoliver , @praveenw96 , @krishna94 , @geekpranee , @hashanih07 , @sridhara , @virajherath , @anusha96 , @hasini , @dasuni , @kalpa-sameera , @sathsara93 , @sandu , @chanukaushal

Hi buddy, I’m grateful for your action. I hope to see many Sri-Lankian users, like in the previous contests we managed, where you were absolutely great! 🙌💪

Thank you @besticofinder for inviting.. Of course, I will try to participate and do my best.

Awesome... I’m going to write one for Canada

Beautiful, you're welcome!
Don't forget to vote for the other posts too, by copying and pasting this image in a comment! 👇


Thank you very much!

For some reason I am unable to post in Italy community.... post button goes not work. How do. I post in the italy community from my blog ?

This button doesn’t work ...


I think it’s a bug...never heard anything about it.

@steemcurator01 could you help us?

I will. Keep trying .... I have a lot of awesome Travel destinations I can post about.

@offgridlife, I can post into community, the bug is with your browser, I think. meanwhile - you cant post directly into community using any app / method you like - just put the #hive-184714 tag as your 1st tag, the post will go automatically to the Italy community in this case. cheers!

wow great finally it's come to the action phase. This contest is really fun. Should be a lot of participants 😊

Thank you very much, my dear friend!

I wish this challenge can help us to discover many beautiful places 🤗

Excelente este nuevo reto a participar!!

Usa questo codice Markdown ~~~ e premi invio
Incolla il link dell'immagine e premi invio (ti consiglio di centrare l'immagine per renderla più bella, ma non è obbligatorio)
Usa di nuovo il codice Markdown ~~~
Ecco come apparirà:


Muy bien, me alegro que te guste...Estoy esperando tu publicación.
Recuerde publicar en la comunidad Italy y también calificar las otras publicaciones que le gusten insertando este enlace en los comentarios.
Empezamos el 1 de diciembre...¡adiós!


Gracias estaré atenta.

Greetings @girolamomarotta

Excellent initiative, always showing good events to participate, I will be doing tour about the places of great importance in our region.

Successes with this very good proposal to encourage the creation of original and good quality publications.


Thank you very much for your interest and support!!
I hope that many Venezuelan users will participate.
If you need, you can translate the post for their better understanding...do whatever you need ✌️

I think it would be a good idea, I would add the SBD and Steem to the awards, do you think?, what @steemcurator01 has to say?.


No problem for me, you’re welcome ✌️

Thanks a lot!

Ready friend, presented the Spanish version, here the link.

Thanks a lot again! ✌️

Eccellente! Ho già in mente qualcosa!

Bene...ne vedremo delle belle!!!

Quiero participar me gustan estos tipos de concursos...

Don't forget to vote for the other posts too, by copying and pasting this image in a comment! 👇


Thank you very much!

ok me parece bien que todos hagamos eso, así habría más movimientos de apoyo!! Gracias!!!

greetings from Russia!

on my part there is every intention to continue investing time and resources to make growin'up our Italian community

@girolamomarotta, nice to hear that. I noticed you have not decorated your community with the banner / userpic. I can help you with a little design, if you'd like me to. subscribed, and I hope to contribute to your growth with my original content (I am a photographer and designer). cheers!

Thank you very much, really glad for this ✌️

I hope you participate in the contest and don't forget to vote for the other posts too, by copying and pasting this image in a comment! 👇


Thank you very much!

This post has been upvoted by @steemcurator06, the account that curates The European Communities with the support of the Steem Community Curation Project.

Happy to know about this contest .

Invito a : @luiyi-22, @leyxi209, @cachetes-27, @aleravago, @karianaporras, @kingsaru

🇻🇪 🇻🇪 🇻🇪 🇻🇪 🇻🇪 🇻🇪 🇻🇪

Gracias por la invitación!

Ha recordar lindos momentos. Ya comienzo a buscar fotos. Gracias por la invitación.

Gracias por la invitación!
Ya estoy al tanto!
Saludos @cachetes-27

Don't forget to vote for the other posts too, by copying and pasting this image in a comment! 👇


Thank you very much!

Terrific concept and contest.

We will promote this in the @bestofindia community as well.

Thank you for providing a great opportunity to all of us to write about our city and country to welcome the steemians.

Hi my friend! I’m really happy you like this project and it’s great to have you here.

@bestofindia community is one of the most dynamic and interesting groups in Steem, I hope this format can passionate many users.

Wait for your beautiful posts 🤗