RE: Shield-IT Project - Report #28 (10/04/24 to 17/04/24)

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Shield-IT Project - Report #28 (10/04/24 to 17/04/24)

in hive-184714 •  11 months ago 

Why are you saying there is no downvote abuse this week when my jondoe and jrcornel accounts are being downvoted every day still? It has now been several weeks in a row that you are not acknowledging this even though I have left comments to you each week. This project is starting to look suspect...

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Siamo lieti di notare che qualcun altro sta provvedendo a farti recuperare il valore dei tuoi downvote. Meglio per te, chi è amico dei ladri ha tanti vantaggi! Non voti il witness, non supporti il progetto, non fai nulla e pretendi...addirittura vieni a dire a noi che il nostro progetto è sospetto, quando sei uno dei primi clienti di vuole veramente una bella faccia tosta, vergognati e ringrazia che ti abbiamo preso in considerazione, da oggi in poi non sarà più così.

We're happy to see that someone else is making sure you get the value of your downvotes back. Better for you, those who are friends with thieves have many advantages! You don't vote for the witness, you don't support the project, you don't do anything and you even come and tell us that our project is suspect, when you are one of the first customers of really takes a lot of nerve, shame on you and be grateful that we took you into consideration, from today onwards it will no longer be the case.

Ho seguito parzialmente questa vicenda, perché preso da diverse altre situazioni, ma di sicuro se un utente arriva a far dire certe cose a un utente come te, caro @girolamomarotta, che gode della mia piena e incondizionata fiducia acquisita nel corso di un rapporto che ormai dura da diversi anni, in cui ti sei sempre confermato come una persona equilibrata e rispettosa, allora vuol dire che l'ha combinata veramente grossa, hai tutto il mio supporto, nel limite di quello che vale, in quello che stai facendo, caro amico mio, considerando anche il fatto che il tuo compito su Steemit è di grande responsabilità, ma lo svolgi in maniera impeccabile...

Not sure what upex has to do with anything to be honest? Anyone is free to use any upvote service they wish, is this not the case? And what are you talking about friends with thieves?! If anything that should be said about you as it looks like that is the case with you and symbionts as you are clearly in bed together. And the "nerve"? Yes the "nerve" was the expectation that you would run your service honorably, but it appears you have chosen not to do so...

  ·  10 months ago (edited)

After some thought this deserves a more thorough reply...

You said:

We're happy to see that someone else is making sure you get the value of your downvotes back. Better for you, those who are friends with thieves have many advantages!

Not knowing exactly what you are referring to here, but judging by the timing of when you suddenly started ignoring me getting downvoted, this has something to do with the xeldal account sometimes voting my posts. Not sure why this is a crime according to you as I have no control over who xeldal votes for? Also it looks like xeldal is voting many users of the upex voting service, and it also looks like he is voting YOU as well (and your buddy symbiont's ecosynthesizer auto-posting scam account). Furthermore, upon digging even further into the xeldal voting habits and there are some very interesting voting habits on 6 day old posts and farm accounts that I am sure you don't really want me to dig too much deeper into and publicly comment on right here... am I right?!

You don't vote for the witness, you don't support the project, you don't do anything and you demand

Since when did you require users who are abusively downvoted to vote for your witness or support your projects? That isn't listed as a requirement anywhere... And I did not demand, I simply asked you why you kept saying there were no more abusive downvoting going on when there clearly was... asking you why your project was not running the way it was supposed to. Hardly demanding...

you even come and tell us that our project is suspect

Yes your project is starting to look suspect as you ignored me for 3 weeks when trying to contact you about continuing to be abusively downvoted by your buddy. In the meantime you have been getting upvoted (by xeldal no less) and sitting on those rewards... while there are accounts being abusively downvoted which reimbursing them is the mission statement of your project by the way.