Si avvicinano con paura/They approach with fear

in hive-184714 •  4 months ago 

Mi sono seduto a pranzare al 7° piano del centro commerciale, ho visto questi uccelli e ho lasciato cadere il riso sul pavimento perché lo mangiassero.

I sat down to have lunch on the 7th floor of the mall, saw these birds, and dropped rice on the floor for them to eat.

Questo piccolino arriva prima e mangia il riso, provo a fare le foto senza fare rumore e riesco a farne 3

This little one arrives first and eats the rice, I try to take photos without making any noise and I manage to take 3

Mi piaceva vedere questi animaletti mangiare, forse sono un po' sensibile ma era bello vederli così da vicino.

I liked seeing these little animals eat, maybe I'm a little sensitive but it was nice to see them so close.

Ancora una foto quando gli uccelli se ne sono andati, molto in alto e pioveva, ecco come la vedi da questo piano, c'è un po' di vertigine ma mi piace......Ti auguro una buona notte

One more photo when the birds are gone, very high up and it was raining, this is how you see it from this floor, there is a bit of vertigo but I like it......I wish you a good night.

Le foto sono di mia proprietà, scattate con il mio cellulare SAMSUNG S20FE

The photos are mine, taken with my SAMSUNG S20FE mobile phone.

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Hey guys, that's a beautiful bird.

These animals are very fearful, thank goodness they got to eat, I liked seeing them feed

They so much have fear written in their very eyes as that is quite evident

Yes, poor things, but they ate and I liked that

They really want to conquer their fear and that is the best thing to do

Hunger is a very strong motivation, but animals sense the energy of people, possibly they come to eat knowing that I will not harm them.

I am actually wondering what the bird will definitely be thinking at that particular time and what might be passing through their mind at that particular time. Well let's see

I saw them in the distance and I threw rice, they come to eat, it is a very strong motivation, hunger , generates in all living beings that need that causes fear and other feelings to be relegated.