Una tazza di caffè/A cup of coffee

in hive-184714 •  11 days ago 

In questo momento piove molto, quindi vorrei condividere con voi una tazza di caffè caldo e augurarvi un felice fine settimana.

It's raining a lot right now, so I'd like to share a cup of hot coffee with you and wish you a happy weekend.

FUENTE : https://acortar.link/Zd2kSQ

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We share the same weather but is it possible to have a tea or hot chocolate instead?

I usually drink coffee with a lot of milk, I'd say milk with some coffee. The man in the video definitely has other priorities, so it's better if he doesn't serve anything.

On the other hand he can do a very long time with his coffee!

I drink it slowly, but I assure you that it doesn't last long. In fact, I usually prepare another one hahaha.

I always prepare two drinks, two teas so I can catch up and don't need to stand up again. Sounds you are doing the same.

Pure qui piove, un bel caffè ci sta proprio bene!

E con tanto latte, ancora meglio.

Accetto il tuo invito, berrò un caffè simile e ti auguro un felice fine settimana.

Un caffè è sempre gradito.
Ti auguro una giornata felice