Sometimes, it happens because they fail to put in the effort that has produced success over a long period of time, People stop putting in maximum effort when they believe the results will always be the same, they believe they will win no matter what and this may be due to two things, they let success enter their minds or they feel bored.
Just as boredom is the greatest enemy of a habit, it can also be the greatest enemy of success.
It is very difficult to keep doing the same thing for a long period of time, we will reach a point where we have achieved everything we want, this is where the challenge comes and the struggle to be consistent and as a result of boredom, sometimes what separates those who succeed from those who do not have a big win is how they can overcome their boredom.
There will be times when we are bored and if we let it take over and win, we may never recover, I have seen people like that somewhere who went from being absent for one day to a week and so on. This happens because of boredom.
People don't talk about it
People don't talk about boredom. They only talk about determination and passion. People make it seem like successful people have some kind of extra passion which is often not true.
The truth is that those people are very good at overcoming their boredom. Boredom happens to every habit we try to create.
Boredom always comes to a point where we don't feel motivated to do the same habit anymore or we lose motivation and this is where it comes in.
we have to fall in love with boredom, when we don't feel like doing it but we do it anyway, we can experience real change.
people are motivated and they come for a few weeks or a few months and then they get bored and quit.
The reality is that we will never build something great if we don't fall in love with boredom because it means that eventually, we will lose consistency and when consistency is lost, we will also lose productivity. The biggest enemy of success is not failure but boredom, that's what I can talk about tonight, about boredom in life or in cyberspace.