Sketch of the lion king / Schizzo del re leone [ENG-ITA]

in hive-184714 •  3 years ago 

Drawing and shot of my property

Here is a sketch of the Lion King, in this eloquent expression. However, I believe that each of us has our own perception of what this image can arouse. Probably someone can see it as ferocity, aggression, or anger. Maybe someone even looking could hear the roar. For example, I see and energy, strength, I hear the roar as if to make one's presence felt alive, energetic and immense.

Of course, being called the Lion King he can be imagined as the supreme, the most important and undisputed ruler of the animal kingdom. I must admit that I never understood why him, because watching the documentaries that tell the life of these cats do not have all the characteristics to be considered the best predators. For example, they are very lazy and often lose numerous battles, even with their own prey. One aspect that I think differentiates them from others and makes them unique is the very thick mane of male lions that makes them majestic. In any case, I like this cat a lot and although it can eat us without effort, I'm not afraid to look at it. The tiger, on the other hand, that scares me just to see it!

Thanks for reading and see you next post!


Versione Italiana

Disegno e scatto di mia proprietà

Ecco uno schizzo del Re Leone, in questa espressione eloquente. Tuttavia, credo che ognuno di noi abbia una propria percezione di ciò che questa immagine possa suscitare. Probabilmente qualcuno può vederci ferocia, aggressività o rabbia. Forse qualcuno anche solo guardando potrebbe sentire il ruggito. Ad esempio io vedo energia, forza, sento il ruggito come per far sentire viva, energica e immensa la propria presenza.

Naturalmente, essendo chiamato re leone si può immaginarlo come il supremo, il più importante e dominatore incontrastato del regno animale.
Devo ammettere che non ho mai capito come mai proprio lui, perché a guardare i documentari che raccontano la vita di questi felini non hanno proprio tutte le caratteristiche per essere considerati predatori migliori. Sono ad esempio molto pigri e spesso perdono numerose battaglie, anche con le proprie prede. Un aspetto invece che secondo me li differenzia dagli altri e li rende unici è la foltissima criniera dei leoni maschi che li rende maestosi.
In ogni caso questo felino mi piace parecchio e nonostante ci possa mangiare senza sforzi non mi fa paura a guardarlo. La tigre invece, quella sì che mi fa paura solo a vederla!

Grazie per aver letto e arrivederci al prossimo post!


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The drawing conveys the impression on me, as if the lion were fighting with another lion.

Thanks so much! It's interesting your vision and projection of the drawing, I like it!

It's nice to see another beautiful sketch of yours. Roar!

Thanks a lot mate! It's nice also for me to see your drawings!

You are welcome.

Outstanding visuals as usual. I tried my hands on some drawing today. It has been a while since I drew something, but I think I did a decent job. This is the link:

Thanks a lot, my friend! I wrote a comment about your beautiful drawing!

Haha.. I have responded to it. Thanks a lot.

Haha.. you're welcome! Now I'm going to read your answer 😁

True expression of ferocity denote its jaws. Excellent.

Thanks a lot!

Nice drawing, I can notice the expression of ferocity. Greetings

Thank you very much!

When I saw your work I remembered the scene in which the lion king defends simba for being disobedient ha ha ha, I started to cry when I saw simba in danger ha ha ha, and when the lion king arrived I felt relieved, but the lesson it did not help me because on many occasions I did not obey my mother, childhood was a wonderful stage full of naivety