The hardest thing in the world is not having my mother.

in hive-184714 •  2 months ago 

Mother is a single word but its depth is so great that it is difficult to express it in words. Mother means the first teacher of our life the first friend and the first shelter but when we lose this mother every moment of life is filled with emptines I don t have a mother this is the most difficult and painful truth in the world.

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The grief of losing a mother does not go away with time Time may dry our tears but that emptiness remains deep in the heart After losing a mother it seems that the person who knew the solution to every small and big problem in life is no more The peace that could be found by resting our head on our mother s lap can never be regained.

A mother is not just a person she is the foundation of our life A mother’s love is selfless and unconditional She always sacrifices for her children never expecting anything in return Only after losing a mother do we understand how deep her importance is In every happy moment of life the lack of a mother becomes more apparent.

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A mother s contribution to our life is so immense that after losing her we often feel lost There are many moments when I think If only my mother had been here this problem would have been solved My mother s loving words her smiling face and her loving touch are just memories today.

Howeve even after losing our mother her teachings and values guide our lives She may not be with us physically but her memory and ideals inspire us in every step of our lives All we can do for our mother is to honor her memory and follow the path she showed.

The grief of losing a mother never completely goes away However it is possible to turn this grief into strength Keeping our mother s memory in our hearts and inspired by her ideals we can move forward in life. A mother s love is such a treasure in our lives that never ends.

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I don t have a mother it may break our hearts to say this but the memories of our mother are the strength of our lives Every memory of her reminds us that we are a part of her. Mother s ideals will guide us in every step of our lives.

Therefore those who still have their mother close to them should love her give her time and take care of her Because there is no one like a mother and there will never be another.

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