Ciao a tutti e buon week end!!
Ieri la mia giornata è iniziata benissimo. Dopo una settimana che mi è sembrata lunghissima, ho potuto spegnere la sveglia e seguire soltanto i miei ritmi.. vi lascio immaginare quanto me la sia presa con molta calma.
Comunque la prima coccola della giornata è stata la colazione al bar, seduta in tuta tranquillità ai tavoli della caffetteria.
So che sembra una cosa banale ma prendersi il caffè .. e il cornetto senza controllare l'orologio mi fa entrare in un mood molto positivo.
E per migliorare ancora di più il mio umore cosa potevo fare?
Me ne sono andata un po' al mare, il cielo era meravigliosamente azzurro senza nemmeno una nuvola e la spiaggia era deserta.
O quasi..
Io di solito vado in spiaggia col mio cane però c'è chi ha più fantasia di me..😀
A parte gli scherzi, la zona in cui vivo, chiamata Agropontino è famosa anche per i suoi cavalli, ci sono tanti allevamenti e maneggi, e poi i famosi e orgogliosi butteri laziali, i cowboy nostrani.
Giusto per essere più precisa nel 1890 fu un cisternese (di Cisterna Latina) di nome Augusto Imperiali a battere Buffalo Bill (il colonnello William Cody) quando venne in Italia a presentare il suo famoso spettacoloBuffalo Bill Wild West Show.
E va bene mi sono lasciata sfuggire un po' d'orgoglio però certi eventi restano scolpiti nella storia e soprattutto nel cuore delle persone.
La mia mattinata è proseguita sempre con molta calma e dopo parecchio tempo ho rimesso piede in uno dei centri commerciali che si trovano nella mia zona.
Essendo tutte cittadine della costa laziale, gli allestimenti interni sono tutti ispirati al mare, in questo caso hanno ricreato addirittura un faro.
Insomma ovunque c'erano decorazioni che richiamavano il mare, dai gabbiani alle ancore appese al soffitto della struttura e poi esempi di piccole imbarcazioni ai piedi del faro.
Comunque molto carino da vedere anche se tra qualche giorno questo allestimento verrà sostituito dalle decorazioni legate ad Halloween che faranno felici tutti i bambini.
Già dalle vetrine e i capi d'abbigliamento esposti si poteva intuire che la stagione sta cambiando, ormai dai costumi e gli shorts siamo passati a pantaloni lunghi, magliette a maniche lunghe e le prime giacche imbottite.
D'altronde il clima di questi giorni, freddo e piovoso, ci ha catapultato dai 26 gradi giornalieri ai 18 massimo 19 gradi e non ci ha dato il tempo di abituarci a questo cambiamento repentino, sia fisicamente perché andiamo ancora in giro con abiti leggeri, sia mentalmente perché sono arrivati i primi raffreddori e tutto il malumore legato all'assenza di sole.
Insomma siamo entrati realmente in autunno, ma giusto il tempo di adattarci a questo cambiamento e noi costieri sapremo ritornare a goderci tutta la bellezza del periodo, perché nonostante le temperature più basse, sappiamo che presto ritornerà a splendere il sole.
A proposito del sole, quando sono entrata nel centro ho lasciato dietro le sue porte una bellissima mattinata assolata, poi uscendo per raggiungere la macchina mi è sembrato di ritrovarmi in un'altra città.. come si dice, domani è un altro giorno. 😜
Grazie per aver letto il mio post.
- ENG -
Hi everyone and have a great weekend!!!
Yesterday my day started off very well. After a week that seemed so long, I was able to turn off the alarm clock and just follow my own rhythm... I'll let you imagine how calmly I took it.
Anyway, the first treat of the day was breakfast at the bar, sitting quietly at the cafeteria tables.
I know it seems like a trivial thing but having a coffee and a croissant without checking the clock puts me in a very positive mood.
And to improve my mood even more what could I do?
I went to the beach for a while, the sky was wonderfully blue without a single cloud and the beach was deserted.
Or almost..
I usually go to the beach with my dog but there are those who have more imagination than me..😀
Joking aside, the area where I live, called Agropontino, is also famous for its horses, there are many farms and stables, and then the famous and proud butteri of Lazio, the local cowboys.
Just to be more precise in 1890 it was a Cisternian (from Cisterna Latina) named Augusto Imperiali who beat Buffalo Bill (Colonel William Cody) when he came to Italy to present his famousBuffalo Bill Wild West Show.
All right, I let slip a little pride, but certain events remain engraved in history and especially in people's hearts.
My morning continued at a very leisurely pace, and after a long time I set foot in one of the malls in my area again.
Since they are all towns on the Lazio coast, the interior fittings are all inspired by the sea, in this case they have even recreated a lighthouse.
In short, everywhere there were decorations that recalled the sea, from seagulls to anchors hanging from the ceiling of the structure and then examples of small boats at the foot of the lighthouse.
Anyway very nice to see even if in a few days this set up will be replaced by Halloween decorations that will make all the children happy.
Already from the windows and the clothes on display you could tell that the season is changing, now from swimsuits and shorts we have moved to long pants, long-sleeved shirts and the first padded jackets.
On the other hand, the climate of these days, cold and rainy, has catapulted us from 26 degrees daily to 18 maximum 19 degrees and has not given us time to get used to this sudden change, both physically because we still go around with light clothes, and mentally because the first colds and all the bad moods related to the absence of sunshine have arrived.
In short, we've really entered autumn, but just enough time to adapt to this change and we coasters will be able to return to enjoy all the beauty of the period, because despite the lower temperatures, we know that soon the sun will return to shine.
Speaking of the sun, when I entered the center I left behind its doors a beautiful sunny morning, then going out to reach the car it seemed to find myself in another city ... as they say, tomorrow is another day. 😜
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I am very interested in the beauty of nature and Italian culture, that's why I like to visit steemian blogs from Italy. Italy is one of the countries I want to visit when I have enough money for it. It would be very interesting when traveling to Italy with my son and beloved wife. That's my dream.. Lol..
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It is not a real seagull, it is a reproduction, however it is very well done to look real.
I hope one day you can fulfill your dream of visiting my country. :-)
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Thanks bro.. I hope it.
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Excellent start to the weekend, I think the same thing happens to all of us, during the weekend we turn off our alarm clocks so as not to have that alarm pressure. Very nice mall and the lighthouse looks great. It reminded me of a nearby shopping center, but the theme of this one is aviation. Thanks for sharing.
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That's right, we all look forward to the weekend to enjoy some time of leisure. ;-)
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Ciao @mikitaly, mi viene da ridere che dici che andrai a spasso con il cane ah ah ah ah, una spiaggia desolata, che altro puoi fare se non goderti il mare e osservare il cielo limpido, il centro commerciale è come dici tu , ricreato con cose legate al mare, sul soffitto un uccello, come se fossero in alto mare, le ancore, tutto, molto ben ricreato.
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E' vero il centro commerciale era davvero ben decorato. Grazie mille per il tuo commento. ;-)
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To decorate a shopping center that looks like you are very close to the beach, in reality it should be close to it how many meters or kilometers it is, when I saw the croissant it whetted my appetite and I thought well that here in Venezuela I have never seen a croissant in the Italian restaurant on the menu. Italian restaurants are famous for their pasta with Bolognese sauce here in Venezuela.
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You can find many types of croissants in our cafeterias, but in the restaurants there are mainly pastries. We Italians are too greedy. ;-D
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In the Italian restaurant that is near my old house they sold some delicious ice cream, but due to the pandemic they closed their doors and have not opened more, it is also due to the economic situation of the country that they had to go to Italy again.
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I've never seen a croissant like that i mean the form, it has cheese inside?
I would like living near to beach i mean in my opinion the best places to connect with nature are mountains and sea
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Yes, it's true that it has a strange shape but it's very good, it's the same dough as the croissant filled with custard. ;-)
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The sea is looking really beautiful
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It's true the sea was very beautiful. :-)
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Your diary so good and beautifully presented
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Thanks a lot. :-)
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my name is @ilnegro and I voted your post using
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Don't spam my blog. Warning: don't listen to this comment.
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Please the account was hacked i was not the one who made that comments post. the last time i mad e a post was on friday in please
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I'm sorry I hope you can get your account back. Try contacting the steemit team maybe they can help you.
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