Funghi nel mio giardino

in hive-184714 •  3 years ago 


Non avevo mai visto funghi nel mio giardino. Qualche giorno fa ho trovato questa sorpresa sul prato davanti a casa mia. Non sono un intenditore di funghi, ma sembrano anche commestibili. Qualcuno sa se sono commestibili? Avviso che indipendentemente dalla risposta comunque non li mangeró. La mia è solo una curiosità.

I had never seen mushrooms in my garden. A few days ago I found this surprise on the lawn in front of my house. I'm not a mushroom connoisseur, but they also look edible. Anyone know if they are edible? Notice that regardless of the answer, however, I will not eat them. Mine is just a curiosity.






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Per quanto ne so i funghi che crescono nel cortile di casa sono per lo più funghi selvatici che sono velenosi e dannosi per la salute se consumati.

Caspiterina! A me sembravano così carini... infatti non era mia intenzione mangiarli. Grazie per il commento

sì, sembrano davvero unici e carini... Grazie anche per i commenti sul mio blog

io avendo una casa in montagna vado spesso a funghi I miei funghi li ho sempre mangiati e non ho mai avuto problemi quella volta che mi sono fidato di un amico sono finito all'ospedale ma per fortuna ne sono uscito.

Caspita che brutta vicenda... a me sembrano così innoqui questi che ho trovato!! Ma non li mangeró

Mushrooms are good for health, but some are even poisonous

That's right, because some of them are poisonous I don't trust myself to eat these cute little mushrooms from my garden.

How did the mashroom grow even when you a didn't plant a tree for a mushroom?

I have no idea, I haven't done anything. They just popped up on their own in my garden. They're cute too, but I'm not going to eat them.

To find out if the mushrooms are edible, try cooking them and adding the green chilies without chopping them into the mushroom dishes. If the chilies don't wilt when cooked, the mushrooms are not edible. However, if the chili wilts when cooked in a mushroom dish, then the mushrooms are edible. I got these tips from my grandmother.

I did not know this method at all. Thank you for your suggestion. However, I decided not to take risks and therefore not to eat them.

You are Wellcome.
I think it's better not to take the risk.
I often use this method when I am camping in the forest and find wild mushrooms.

È un fungo molto carino ma la maggior parte dei funghi che crescono nel cortile sono funghi che non vanno bene per il consumo

Thanks for leaving a comment, in fact I'm not going to eat them, I don't want to risk getting sick.

bellissima home page, si possono mangiare i funghi @steefano.massari..??

[WhereIn Android] (

I personally do not know if they are edible, but many people have advised me not to eat them.

non mangiare @steefano.massari, ho paura che possa nuocere alla tua salute.

Grazie, ho deciso di non mangiarli. Penso che sia meglio non rischiare. Grazie per il consiglio

ha perfettamente ragione lui @stefanoo.massari, meglio prendersi cura della propria salute eh...??

Da fungaiolo navigato è meglio che lasci stare se non vuoi finire all'ospedale come è successo a me.

Grazie @sergione48 per il consiglio! Avevo già poca intenzione di mangiarli, dopo il tuo commento non ho proprio nessun dubbio... li lascerò dove sono.

Non ne so molto, anche il mio amico @galberto che ha molte conoscenze a volte chiede aiuto per sapere se sono commestibili o meno, quindi guardali e dì a tuo figlio di non mangiarli, pensaci, o meglio eliminarli, per timore che tuo figlio prenda quei funghi

Ottimo consiglio, mi sa che è meglio eliminarli. Grazie.. ciao

Usually mushrooms that are safe for consumption have an inconspicuous color such as white or whitish yellow and do not have a strong odor.

Do the mushrooms in your yard grow after the rain, or do they grow in pet droppings?

These mushrooms were born after the rain, but this is the first time this has happened. It has never happened before. Thank you for leaving a comment

looks like straw mushroom

Yard is also beautiful..

Thank you, my garden is small, but I try to keep it tidy.

Nice post and excellent photography.

Thanks for stopping by. The photos were taken with an Iphone 11.

Some are.....

...poisonous. In fact, I don't trust myself to eat them.

This is one of the most common diseases of the lawn, they appear when the temperatures are very high and also due to humidity. I can see that the part where they came out has almost no grass, you have to treat them so that it does not spread further.

Thanks for your advice, you seem to be a connoisseur. My compliments for your knowledge.

Are these mushrooms eatable? Or not eatable ? Some mushrooms grow naturally around our home, which are poisonous. Not edible. But many people grow edible and delicious mushrooms, which are rich in many nutrients and vitamins.

Thank you for explaining these properties of mushrooms, I didn't know that. I'm not going to eat these mushrooms for safety's sake, even though they are so pretty.

You can try these mushrooms, if they are suitable for eating then they will be healthy and fresh vegetables. And the masums are really beautiful to look at. However, some mushrooms that grow on wood look much smaller but more beautiful. I used to collect mushrooms as a child.

is this your yard, very beautiful and green📸

[WhereIn Android] (

Yes, this is my garden. My garden is small, but I try to take care of it as much as I can.