Andare di fretta - Trouble for Harley (IT/EN)

in hive-184714 •  5 months ago  (edited)

Harley Shinyfoot aveva fretta e non era l'unico. Non importa quanto presto si alzasse, era sempre in ritardo.

Non appena chiuse la porta del 14824 Parker Island, Suite 623 alle sue spalle, la vita di lusso finì e lui era uno del gruppo che galoppa per le strade della città come una mandria di bufali in fuga.
Nessuno sapeva che il trasandato liceale portava con sé la password del ministro. L'aveva memorizzato per comodità perché era facile da ricordare invece di tenere un pezzo di carta con: L*}~Ea;IgJGF|`ew.

Se ci sono problemi, ti risponderemo da noi, aveva detto l'uomo in nero prima di scomparire sui tetti nella notte buia. Ha avuto una sorpresa.

Quello che nessuno sapeva era che aveva ricevuto una testata da un compagno di classe. Aveva attraversato l'aula come un razzo, aveva battuto la testa e da allora aveva perso la password.

La memoria sta tornando, aveva detto il medico scolastico, non c'è bisogno di farsi prendere dal panico. Harley però non gli aveva detto che non aveva dimenticato tutto ma solo la password del ministro che era di vitale importanza.

Non importa quanto ci provasse, la password veniva cancellata dalla sua memoria.

Dopo 7 mesi di tentativi di ricordare e di vivere nella paura è arrivato un messaggio che diceva: sbrigati, è un'emergenza - cancella la password e lascia la suite 623 - sono in gioco le nostre vite.

I risultati mostrati da sono tutti uguali. Si tratta sempre di un ragazzo in fuga con o senza tazza di caffè. Per due volte ho avuto un'immagine in cui altri correvano insieme al protagonista. Solo quando ho aggiunto la parola "guai" è stata mostrata un'espressione diversa. Quando ho aggiunto "gatto - tetto" a "di fretta" è apparsa un'immagine con molti gatti che correvano nella stessa direzione. Sembra che sia a corto di idee e che le donne di fretta non esistano, o che un cane al guinzaglio trascini il suo padrone per le strade.



Harley Shinyfoot was in a hurry and he wasn't the only one. No matter how early he got up he was always late.

As soon as he closed the door of 14824 Parker Island, Suite 623 behind him the life of luxury was over and he was one of the group that gallops through the city streets like a herd of buffalo on the run.
No one knew that the scruffy high schooler carried the minister's password with him. He had memorized it for convenience because it was easy to remember instead of keeping a piece of paper with: L*}~Ea;IgJGF|`ew.

If there's trouble you'll hear from us the man in black had said before he disappeared over the rooftops into the dark night. He had nodded in surprise.

What no one knew was that he had been headbutted by a classmate. He had flown through the classroom like a rocket, hit his head and since then he had lost the password.

The memory is coming back the school doctor had said, no need to panic. Harley however had not told him that he had not forgotten everything but only the minister's password which was of vital importance.

No matter how hard he tried the password was erased from his memory.

After 7 months of trying to remember and living in fear a message arrived saying: hurry, this is an emergency - erase the password and leave suite 623 - our lives are at stake.

The results shows are all the same. It's always a guy on the run with or without a coffee cup. Twice I had a picture where others ran along with the main character. Only as I added the word 'trouble' a different face expression was shown. As I added 'cat - roof' to 'in a hurry' a picture with many cats running into the same direction was shown. It feels as if is out of ideas and women in a hurry don't exist, or a dog on a leash for example dragging his owner through the streets.

Translation: google free
Picture creature:
Prompts: @italygame (in a hurry)
Thursday: 14824 Parker Island, Suite 623
Friday: troubled
Saturday: Harley Shinyfoot
Sunday: L*}~Ea;IgJGF|`ew

If you like to generate a picture with the promp Andare di fretta join the contest 'create a picture'. @sbamsoneu @cryptopie @olivia08 @jiva34

hashtag test

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Fatto sta che le IA sono poco collaborative: e dire che Bing è la migliore tra tutte quelle che finora ho visto. Quindi puoi immaginare cosa fanno le peggiori IA😂😂😂😂

  ·  5 months ago (edited)

Bing is non-violent. Cannot ask for any aggressive or fight scene images.

it blocks as lot as well, at least with me. The most rediculous things.

  ·  5 months ago (edited)

Maybe they have to be super selective... Make it child safe. Or risk getting shut down.

no, the EU set restrictions and we are no longer allowed to see everything google, amazon, tiktok, facebook, X, Instagram and so on shows. It's to protect the Europeans who are too stupid to live and decide by themselves what is real and what is conspiracy.. the result of the "conspiracy therorists" who said the WHO and Fauci made up the covid virus epidemic to lockdown the world.
Today everything we do and say and the government doesn't agree with makes you a theorist. Bank accounts are closed by the government and children are taken away. It's for our own safety and part of the democracy we live in. That's also why the new PM is the unchosen heas of the secret service. How cool is that?

Head for hills and off grid...

Non violent Bing


Bank robbery - knife - firealarm

Molotov cocktail - cats hissing

I work on the knife stabs..

A gun wasn't shown - fighting is but they make them smile or they do it surrounded by pink flowers!
Naked is not lowed but no need to ask. If you ask for a female bing shows 8 out of 10 a naked one. 🤔
Animal abuse is forbidden and attacking ir fighting a woman with a dog as well so bing pretends as if we live in a beautiful world but the bot can be tricked to show what you like to see.
Btw monster, tdoll, dragon is hard as well so fairytale writers better go elsewhere.

request... 2 men fighting on the street...


We live in a virtual world... Put those virtual glasses on.

And see how happy they look! That's not fighting.

Se questo è il meglio. Si sono candidati da soli? Vorrei provare altre opzioni per vedere qualcosa di nuovo.

" He had memorized it for convenience because it was easy to remember instead of keeping a piece of paper with: L*}~Ea;IgJGF|`ew"

Ha Ha. Good one... You're so funny...

LOL you have to admit this is easy to remember or?
And you see it worked out perfectly.

It's good to see you back


Hi, @wakeupkitty.pal,

Your post has been manually curated!

May I ask what @ecoer is? Thank you and a good weekend.