Rifugio antiatomico / Fallout Shelter (IT/EN)

in hive-184714 •  3 months ago 

Cos'è questo posto?

Un rifugio antiatomico, è mio. È completo, ci si può sedere o sdraiare, c'è cibo in abbondanza e nelle valigie che si trovano... Si sedette sulle ginocchia, ne tirò una verso di sé e la aprì. Guarda! Libri, fumetti, persino carta e matite e disegni...
Il vecchio sorrise guardando i suoi tesori. Sembrava che fosse una vita che viveva in questo posto.

Quanto tempo?

Andrà tutto bene. Una volta fuori inizierà la vera lotta. Non pensare che sarà facile e, per favore, fai silenzio. Niente suoni, niente musica, niente che possa attirare l'attenzione.

Il rifugio era diverso da quello che si aspettava, ma meglio di niente e di essere braccati. Annuì e quando entrò le grandi porte si chiusero dietro di lui e si accese una luce. Mentre si sdraiava sul letto, ascoltò il suono del ventilatore. Almeno c'è aria fresca_ pensò, ma come si fa a lavarsi qui dentro e una domanda ancora più scottante: Senza il bagno non avrebbe potuto mangiare.



What is this place?

A fallout shelter, it's mine. It's complete, you can sit or lay down, there's plenty of food and in the suitcases yiou find... he sat on his knees and pulled one towards him and opened it. Look! Books, comics, even paper and pencils and drawings...
The old man smiled as he looked at his treasures. It felt like a lifetime he had lived in this place.

How long?

You'll be fine. Once you are out the real struggle will start. Don't think it will be easy and please, be quiet. No sounds, no music nothing that will attract the attention.

The shelter was different from what he'd expected but better than nothing and being hunted. He nodded and as he stepped inside the big doors closed behind him and a light switched on. While he lay on the bed he listened to the sound of the fan. At least there's fresh air he thought but how does one wash himself inside here and a more burning question: Where is the toilet? Without a toilet there was no way he could eat.

Prompt: Rifugio antiatomico / Fallout Shelter
Translator: google
Picture - bing.com/create
Search: Fallout Shelter

Generate a picture with the prompt and share what you used @jiva34 @henryclive @destinedhanik

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Post the link to the contest?

there's not really a link to the contest only a link to "Digitaly Magazine" the latest edition.. the contests are hidden inside. There's no need to leave the link in the comment section either.

Here it is: https://steemit.com/hive-184714/@italygame/digitaly-64-official-magazine-of-the-italy-community-rivista-ufficiale-della-community-italy

I'm just lazy. Want everything just handed to me. Will check it out.


This is a photo of where I am living right now. ha ha

It is? Be careful those cans won't drop on your head. I hope you have a toilet though.

Outhouse... But actually I don't live there anymore. I used to. For 6 years.

I lived for many years in a trailer still miss it

Thanks for inviting. I'll see what I can come up with. We can write any way we like, right? Essay, story or poetry?

Yes, you can write what you like or only describe what you did or how you had to instruct the AI tool you used. In this community you are free. The only rule is to generate a picture with the prompt and name the tool.

got it, thanks!

No toilet...not that big deal😂😂😂😂

I believe it would be for me. I mean... any idea how it smells if those doors close. I assume peeing in a can isn't a solution? Better look first if there's toilet paper or a hidden "portapotti" in one of those suitcases.
