Tutto ciò che si può mangiareb / All You Can Eat (IT/EN)

in hive-184714 •  4 days ago 

Ascolta, ascolta
Dovresti venire

Cibo in abbondanza
Quanto vuoi
È garantito gratis.

Ti serviamo
Tutto quello che puoi mangiare
Ci prendiamo cura dei maiali

La nostra costoletta
Diamo da mangiare ai cani

La notizia rivoluzionaria si diffuse
Un incendio nella comunità
Tutti erano stufi del cane.

Il ristorante del villaggio vide delle opportunità
Una lacuna nel mercato
Gli spot pubblicitari furono realizzati facilmente.

Il ricordo dell'hot dog
L'hamburger e la lingua del gatto
Cuore, polmone, fegato e rene
Non erano ancora svaniti.

Solo oggi
Per il cane assetato di sangue
Tutto quello che puoi mangiare
Cibo per la mente.

La bestia stava arrivando
Cadde nel trucco

La fine
Il piatto di una persona ricca.


Groundbreaking News

Hear, Hear
You should come

Plenty of food
As much as you want
It's guaranteed for free.

We serve you
All you can eat
We care about pigs

We share
Our rib
We feed the dogs

The groundbreaking news spread
A wildfire through the community
Everyone was fed up with the dog's.

The restaurant in the village saw opportunities
A gap in the market
Commercials were easily made.

The memory of the hot dog
The Hamburger and the cat's tongue
Heart, lung, liver and kidney
Had not yet faded.

Only today
For the bloodthirsty dog ​​
All you can eat
Food for the mind.

The beast was coming
Fell into the trick

The end
The dish of a wealthy person.

Kopie van Een subtitel toevoegen.jpg

Prompt Contest Italygame: All you can eat
Used: Dogs All you can eat
Tool: bing.com/create

Thursday prompt @freewritehouse - groundbreaking news

@jiva34 @darthnava @olivia08 create a picture with AI with the prompt "all you can eat".

#italygame #freewrite #kittywu #club100 #steemexclusive

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I like your cryptic style. Reading some of your work is like putting the pieces of a puzzle together...
"Thank you for the invitation to dinner but I'm more inclined to fasting. Eating nuts, seeds and fruits." :>)

Thank you for liking my puzzling mind, it's a way to relax.

I just created this song but didn't figure out yet how to end it 🤔 if it's possible at all. I better ask a child.


Feeding the dogs...with hot dogs😂😂😂😂


Thank you very much. It is appreciated. 🍀♥️

Do I make a post with the pic or post it here in the comments section?

You generate a picture with the prompt and post just like me in the community Italy. Mention the tool you used + what you searched for. Use #italygame the rest is up to you. The contest is mentioned in the digital Italian Magazine worth reading.

I added the word 'dogs' to see a different picture. You can write a story, your thoughts or if it is what you expected. It's up to you. They don't count words it's about creating & creativity.

I like to see what AI shows you with me it's always the same unless I generated a lot of pictures with a different prompt. Don't forget to tag me.

Good luck to you.
