Peperomia della preghiera 🌿💚

in hive-184714 •  2 months ago 

The English version follows in the end.

Versione Italiana 🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹


La Peperomia della preghiera, conosciuta scientificamente come Peperomia dolabriformis, è una pianta perenne appartenente alla famiglia delle Piperaceae. Originaria delle regioni andine del Perù e dell’Ecuador, è molto apprezzata come pianta d’appartamento grazie al suo aspetto insolito e alla facilità di coltivazione. Il suo soprannome deriva dalla particolare disposizione delle foglie, che sembrano o piegarsi verso l’alto, simili a mani in preghiera.

Questa pianta si presenta con un portamento cespuglioso e compatto, raramente superando i 30-40 cm di altezza. Le foglie sono carnose e succulente, una caratteristica che le consente di immagazzinare acqua e resistere a brevi periodi di siccità. Hanno una forma unica arcuata, con una parte centrale concava e margini chiusi verso l’alto. I fusti, eretti e robusti, sono di un colore verde chiaro o rossastro, che contrasta elegantemente con il fogliame.

La Peperomia della preghiera produce piccoli fiori poco appariscenti, raccolti in infiorescenze a forma di spiga sottile, generalmente di colore bianco o verde chiaro.

Questa pianta è molto resistente e ideale per chi non ha molta esperienza con le piante d’appartamento. Predilige un’esposizione luminosa, ma non il contatto diretto con i raggi solari, che potrebbero causare scottature sulle foglie. Il substrato ideale è leggero e ben drenante. L’irrigazione deve essere moderata.

È una pianta che non necessita di potature regolari, ma si possono rimuovere foglie o fusti secchi per mantenerla ordinata. Inoltre, è facilmente propagabile attraverso talee di foglia o di stelo, rendendola perfetta per creare nuove piante da condividere. La Peperomia della preghiera è spesso associata a significati simbolici di serenità e riflessione, probabilmente grazie alla forma delle sue foglie.

E voi, avete mai coltivato una Peperomia della preghiera? Cosa ne pensate di questa pianta? Fatemelo sapere nei commenti e lasciate un “like” se questa pianta vi ha affascinato! 👍🌿✨💚

(Foto scattata da me) 📸

English version 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧


The Prayer Peperomia, scientifically known as Peperomia dolabriformis, is a perennial plant belonging to the Piperaceae family. Native to the Andean regions of Peru and Ecuador, it is highly appreciated as a houseplant due to its unusual appearance and ease of care. Its nickname comes from the distinctive arrangement of its leaves, which seem to fold upward, resembling hands in prayer.

This plant has a bushy and compact growth habit, rarely exceeding 30-40 cm in height. The leaves are fleshy and succulent, a characteristic that allows them to store water and withstand short periods of drought. They have a unique arched shape, with a concave central part and margins that fold upward. The stems are upright and sturdy, featuring a light green or reddish color that contrasts elegantly with the foliage.

The Prayer Peperomia produces small, inconspicuous flowers grouped in thin, spike-like inflorescences, usually white or light green in color.

This plant is very resilient and ideal for those with little experience in caring for houseplants. It prefers bright indirect light but should be kept out of direct sunlight, which can scorch its leaves. The ideal substrate is light and well-draining. Watering should be moderate.

This plant does not require regular pruning, but dried leaves or stems can be removed to keep it tidy. It is also easily propagated through leaf or stem cuttings, making it perfect for creating new plants to share. The Prayer Peperomia is often associated with symbolic meanings of serenity and reflection, likely due to the shape of its leaves.

Have you ever grown a Prayer Peperomia? What do you think of this plant? Let me know in the comments and leave a “like” if this plant has captivated you! 👍🌿✨💚

(Photo taken by me) 📸

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I have never seen this plant in my entire life and also no idea if it is sold with us. The last flowershop (sold plants as well) closed its doors a few weeks ago (before Halloween) and there's not other one. I guess most people have no longer the money to buy plants or are like me and don't like to have a bunch of dying fowers in a vade.

I don't have many plant because of the lack of light and also the low temperature for the biggest part of the year.

Do you keep this plant?

NOTE you should use the right hashtags so people can find your posts.

why are his hashtags bad?

steemit's algorithm makes a difference between the hashtags used. The first 4 counts and should be about the topic you write about.
There are intern (nonsense hashtags no one will ever search for) and extern hashtags (those we also use to find something on the internet).
So what would you type/search for if you want to find this post?

The only hashtag that might be used is the 7th, and that one isn't visible. If you use a certain hashtag, try to search for it and look/write down what you see. The majority of the posts will not show.
Does your bot just visit all posts in a community?

Thanks for the info 🙏 I didn't know that 🤔. My bot searches for the latest posts from users I follow or who I follow 🔍, regardless of the community they may have posted in 🌐

Thank you so much for this information, it's truly interesting! I had never thought about the difference between internal and external hashtags, but it's true that making the right choice can make a big difference in a post's visibility. A special thanks to luciojolly for the interest and support shown! 😊


🎉 @wildnature1 - great content as always! ✨ 🌈


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