The eye is the mirror of the body. Without the eyes, the body is clueless and left in the dark. The eye is the principal organ of sight. Without the eyes we can't see but some people still have their eyes but can't see as clearly as before, this can be the results of eye defects such as cataract, astigmatism, hypermetropia etc. Our eyes need vitamin A to stay healthy n and sharp and we can only give it vit A by consuming foods that contain vit A....
It's true a balanced diet contains vit A but there are times when you might need to know the exact foods that give more of vit A for your self or a loves one be it a child or an elderly person. That's what brings me to sharing this article with us and below are the foods we need to eat for better eyesight.
Mango is a popular fruit know for its big seed size and taste. It has many health benefits of which a significant amount of vit A is among them. It can be eaten raw or processed into juice whichever way you choose to consume it. It's very good for the eyes.
Just as the name sweet potato implies, this crop is sweet to taste and it can be enjoyed by boiling or frying. It's a very rich source of vit A.
Carrot is one crop that cooks and kitchen lovers can't do without. It can be used to prepare many unique tasty dishes such as salad, jellof rice, fried rice, spaghetti etc. It can also be used for food decorations. Carrots are a good source of vit A and can be eaten raw or blended and juice extracted. So for your next fruit smoothie make sure to add a little more carrot especially if you need more of vit A.
Watermelons are green big foot ball sized fruits with very sweet reddish soft flesh on the inside (That is if you've not seen one before). It's a muliti-purpose fruit and very rich in vit A. It can be used for fruits salads and other purposes to. It's mainly taken raw and its good for the eyes, boosts the immune system and its also very good for the skin.
The fruits above and good supplements of vit A amongst others too. So check them out and try them in different ways.
Hope you learnt something today? I would like to know what you think in the comments section and some encouragement would be helpful thank you