Hello. New to this. I honestly didnt realize there was another steem just like there are multiple ones with Hive in it. Not sure if somehow they are connected or if its just clones or what not. All so confusing but Im starting to get the hang of it. I lost my main account on hive after my first login because I didnt realize that long ass key they sent me was my password and that after I lost it, that was that. Oh well. I am using one of the apps to that account on my phone but I cant get on any of the others. And as long as I dont ever sign out of this one lol. But I had to make a new one as a permanent one. Im really starting to enjoy all these new platforms. Facebook and Twitter and shit are flooded with trash. U come here and its like the old days of the internet but with better graphics and shit. Its like discovering the internet all over again. Having a second chance of getting in on the new internet. You better be prepared because things are going to be so much different. The people born in the early 2000s will be so lost in 10 years or so. And they are going to be fighting for jobs against droids. Even a droid lawyer closed a case in 17 seconds what it took a normal lawyer days
Hi there. Im new. First time posting
5 years ago by aerokossa (25)