I'm back!

in hive-185836 •  2 months ago 

Hi friends!!!
I was missing and it was terrible. Some time ago, I wanted to log into Steemit in a good mood and nothing worked out for me. I tried for several days, but couldn't get to the site. Then I decided to try using a VPN, but even then I was disappointed. I must say that I started to worry, but I didn't panic. And yesterday a miracle happened, I was able to come back here again. Yes, I noticed that the interface has changed. Perhaps the failure was due to some technical work on the site.
I am glad to welcome everyone again and my new photo is for you!

Привет друзья!!!
Я пропал и это было ужасно. Некоторое время назад я в хорошем настроении хотел зайти в Steemit и у меня ничего не получилось. Несколько дней я пытался, не не мог попасть на сайт. Потом я решил попробовать через VPN, но и тут ждало разочарование. Надо сказать, что я начал беспокоиться, но не паниковал. И вот вчера случилось чудо, я снова смог сюда вернуться. Да, я заметил, что интерфейс изменился. Возможно сбой был именно из-за каких-то технических работ на сайте.
Я снова рад всех приветствовать и мое новое фото для вас!


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Sorry to hear you had a tough time accessing Steemit, but happy it's resolved. Love the new photo, and your positivity is infectious! Welcome back to the community.

Thanks! I knew that the difficulties would end and everything would get better.



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its so sad to hear you couldnt get back onto the platform but happy you did, that dog is so cute!

Thanks! I was just waiting for when I could come back.

Sorry to hear about your account, this photo really caught my eyes great shot ☺️

Thanks) I survived the problem and was glad. That's why I showed this photo I took in the park)

I am glad you survived it, trust me I have been in your shoes before so I know how frustrating it could be.
I’m Really Happy for you man. 🙌🏾🙌🏾👍