Before there were traditional medicines available to us there used to be a vast use of herbal extracts and other things to cure us from all sorts of diseases whether it was just a small cut or a fever. I readily remember that when we used to get small cuts while playing on the ground my grandparents used to put a paste of the leaves of marigold flowers as apparently they had some antiseptic properties and I never questioned it as it burned like hell and that was enough for me to verify the quality of the Medicine at hand.
Marigold leaves were an absolutely beastly medicine for us when we were little and even though it used to sting a lot I considered it as Super Medicine. Now as for fever we don't really have a straight up medicine for fever as fever is a condition that comes up when there is something wrong with our bodily systems, so getting a medicine for fever which is a symptom is kinda difficult so let’s point down some traditional herbs and spices which may help with your feverish symptoms.
When you are suffering from feverish tendencies having a hot cup of Ginger Tea will most definitely soothe your throat and heat up your body from the inside which makes for a pleasant experience while you are suffering from Fever.
Black Pepper
Black Pepper is something that I absolutely love as it is rich in Vitamin C and having a pinch of Black Pepper with almost everything that I have. It also has antibacterial properties that can boost your overall immunity.
The Best Remedy
In my opinion this might be the best thing to have while you are feverish. It is something called Kadha which is a concoction of spices boiled together in unison. The spices include the likes of Cardamom, Clove, Black Pepper, Tulsi Leaves and many more. My mom makes a sick Kadha which absolutely heats me up from the inside and that is something that soothes me from the inside whenever I am sick.
So yeah these are some Home Remedies that you can use if you are down with a Fever or Cold.