The Trap of Procrastination

in hive-185836 •  17 days ago 


Procrastination is basically the act of unnecessarily or inconsistently postponing any task despite the fact that you very well know that not doing the task or delaying the task may cause harm to you in the long term. If you look closely at your life you might have had similar instances where you just felt lazy to do your work even though you know very well that your Work is very important. I can attest to the fact that I am indeed a guy who has gone through multiple instances of Procrastination so I can say that Procrastination is definitely real and it has hampered a lot of things in my life. It should also be clear that Procrastination is .ost definitely a negative trait in our lives and overcoming it is kinda important, but before overcoming Procrastination you should be aware as to why you are Procrastinating.

Causes of Procrastination

There are various reasons for a person falling victim to Procrastination and among them there are a few that are common for almost everyone while some reasons are personal. For example, the Fear of failing in your task is something that makes people procrastinate, and at the same time Depression is also a key factor in people falling into Procrastination, I am a guy who has fallen for Procrastination via the depression route, and trust me sometimes I just feel like doing nothing at all and lie in bed all day long.

Negativity Around Procrastination

Now this is a given that Procrastination doesn't have anything positive so let's point down the negative impacts of Procrastination. Increasing Stress, low self-esteem, low productivity, and many more. There are numerous other negative aspects to Procrastination and trust me it's never a good thing to Procrastinate.

So how should you tackle Procrastination in your life?

How to Tackle Procrastination

Trust me it is very difficult to tackle Procrastination as you won't even know properly if you are Procrastinating or not. So once you know that you are Procrastinating you should try to implement some strategies to your work schedule

  1. You need to Break your daily tasks into smaller bits and pieces so that you can manage one tiny bit at a time.

  2. Try to eliminate any and almost all distractions, especially the ones coming from your smartphone. Try to snooze almost all notifications on your smartphone.

  3. Try to set deadlines that are easy to achieve as achieving small targets will boost your confidence slowly.

  4. Last but definitely not least, trust in your friends and family as you will most definitely need their support if you want to get through Procrastination.

So yeah it is definitely possible to stop procrastinating but that doesn't mean that you are fully cured of it. So you should always be active and see if you are doing ok in life as trust me you never know when you will be back to Procrastinating.


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