New Contest Steemit - Steem - TRX | Super Macrophotography Week 12 | Oudemansiella mucida mushroom on rotten wood | #club5050

in hive-185836 •  3 years ago 


hello all friends.

Tonight you all will see another mushroom macro image from me @askar-steemit, I will show this mushroom again today to show you all.

Where today I've finished all my work, and I'm doing what I usually do, which is to go out into the woods looking for a nice unique item to put on display tonight, and I see a beautiful or unique mushroom on a tree or a rotting tree.

The mucida fungus is a slimy eucalyptus rot fungus that binds tightly to rotting beech trees, where it grows in clusters. It is late summer to late autumn, and the tiny mushrooms can sometimes be seen parachuting from the tall branches, when they are dislodged by the wind on windy days.

And from my opinion, this white mucida mushroom cannot be eaten, because in general this type of mushroom has poison in its body so it cannot be eaten, and I took a photo of this mushroom for me to show you all today.

for some pictures I will show below to all of you, let's see the pictures:








Regards @askar-steemit


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hermosa fotografia. felicidades. exito.