Forest reflections

in hive-185836 •  11 months ago 

And where there was nothing, there would be everything.
Like a wild forest lake.

No, I'm not gonna dig it, of course.
I don't even have a shovel with me.
But I have a camera, a neutral gray filter and a gimbal on a tripod.

It's not very convenient to walk in the woods with all this stuff.
But it's interesting.

Light painting.
All images are taken directly on the camera matrix.


In this pine forest on the shore of the Gulf of Finland, I experimented with slow shutter speeds and angles. Taking different shots from the same location, I looked at the effects and tried to find patterns.

One thing is for sure, your tripod needs to be very powerful for these techniques. My tripod wasn't quite like that.


One photo I processed for contest by @axeman.


In reality, this place looks something like this.


All photos are clickable, I recommend turning on night mode for viewing

Все фотографии кликабельны, для просмотра рекомендую включить ночной режим.

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Hermosas fotografías... Muchos éxitos!!

Muchas gracias :)