
in hive-185836 •  7 months ago  (edited)

Hello, everyone!

Today I'm going to try to do something unusual.
It consists of two parts: creating some special zone plus a contest.

The essence of the unusual zone is a series of posts under the general title "Psychorehabilitation" (the name will most likely be changed). There will periodically be regular posts with a psychological bias and more specialised information, including practical exercises and sessions. How viable this format will be depends on the activity and interest of the participants.

I have noted before:
In one of my past lives, I was a practicing psychologist.
My specialty was working with people who had experienced a traumatic situation in their lives.

One of the comments from @weisser-rabe gave me this feedback
Your text is good, you limit yourself to simple, short sentences. Perhaps an interested reader can read the text aloud to him or herself and record it. With the repeated playback in connection with your pictures, I think one comes quite close to a bio-feedback experience.

If you follow the link and read the rest of the comments, you will understand my train of thought further. And we move on to the competition part of the project.

Some more information can be found in the open letter to @soulfuldreamer

Below I will give you some text in Russian. I tried to make it from simple sentences for a more unambiguous translation.

What you need to do

This is not the easiest task and not everyone will be able to do it. I am aware of that. But this is not a contest for the sake of a contest. Here you need an adequate result to fulfil an adequate task. I hope that someone can do it.

So, what is required of the contestant:

  1. You need to make an adequate translation of the text into the language of which you are a native speaker. It can be English, Spanish (the most common on the platform), or any other language.
  2. voice the text with your own voice (you can ask your friend if you think he/she can do it better).
  3. Make an audio recording with this voiceover.
  4. Post the audio recording on the Internet and send a link to it under this post in the comments (it can be a link to a file in cloud storage).

What happens next

  1. I will listen to the audio recordings and select those that I think are suitable for use in audio sessions.
  2. I will create a video clip based on the audio recording, complete with the desired video sequence
  3. I will place the video on YouTube and make a separate post
  4. I reserve the copyright for the video, but with the indication of the author of the text voiceover
  5. The authors of the voiceover will receive a fee of 10STEEM

Some requirements for audio recording and voice.

  • it is desirable to dub in a low voice
  • intonation should be as unemotional as possible
  • Speech should be slow enough, with pauses.
  • on the word (pause) in the text you should pause for 5 seconds.
  • there should be no background music, just the voice.

I may not have explained it fully enough, ask questions in the comments.

Now I will give you the text to be voiced.



Здравствуй, друг

Займите удобное положение тела
я буду предлагать вам простые задания
в любой момент вы можете прервать выполнение упражнения по своему желанию

Colóquese en una posición corporal cómoda
Le propondré ejercicios sencillos
Si lo deseas, puedes interrumpir el ejercicio en cualquier momento.


и вот теперь, закройте глаза, дышите свободно, ровно.
y ahora, cierra los ojos, respira libremente, uniformemente.

сделайте 9 коротких вдохов и медленных выдохов

haga 9 respiraciones cortas y espiraciones lentas

(пауза) *

найдите слово или фразу, произнесение которой вызывает дискомфорт, неприятные переживания...

encontrar una palabra o frase cuya pronunciación provoque malestar, experiencias desagradables....
(пауза) * + хлопок в ладоши + хлопок в ладоши

произнесение такого слова или фразы может вызывать напряжение, беспокойство, раздражение, другие негативные реакции, что-то неприятное

decir esa palabra o frase puede provocar tensión, ansiedad, irritación, otras reacciones negativas, algo desagradable


вот сейчас произнеси это слово или фразу

ahora mismo, di esa palabra o frase.


обрати внимание на свои ощущения, эмоции... зафиксируй их, запомни это состояние

presta atención a tus sensaciones, a tus emociones... fíjalas, recuerda este estado.


и вот теперь... повтори это слово или фразу мысленно или вслух ровно 21 раз

y ahora repite esta palabra o frase mentalmente o en voz alta exactamente 21 veces

(пауза)* + хлопок в ладоши

хорошо... теперь произнеси это слово вслух и обрати внимание, какие ощущения оно вызывает

Vale. Ahora di la palabra en voz alta y nota cómo te hace sentir.

и вот теперь... повтори это слово или фразу мысленно или вслух ровно 21 раз

y ahora repite esta palabra o frase mentalmente o en voz alta exactamente 21 veces
(пауза) *

делаем контрольную проверку
произнеси это слово вслух и обрати внимание, какие ощущения оно вызывает

comprobar la realidad
Di la palabra en voz alta y observa cómo te hace sentir.
(пауза) *

теперь сравни эти ощущения с теми, которые фраза вызывала в первый раз
что изменилось

Ahora compara estos sentimientos con los que te provocó la frase la primera vez.
qué ha cambiado

и вот теперь это слово или фразу надо 21 раз произнести вслух
вначале негромко, затем всё громче и громче вплоть до крика
как можно более эмоционально.. сделай это ровно 21 раз

y ahora dices esa palabra o frase 21 veces en voz alta.
en voz baja al principio, luego cada vez más alto hasta el punto de gritar.
tan emocionalmente como sea posible. Hazlo exactamente 21 veces.
(пауза) *

Если вы точно следовали моим инструкциям, то можете заметить, как изменилось ваше состояние теперь... когда вы произносите эту фразу. Скорее всего, эта фраза потеряла своё начальное значение. Как минимум вам стало легче её произносить. Через некоторое время этот эффект усилится ещё больше - ваш мозг продолжает эту работу.

На этом наше упражнение закончено. Желаю вам всего хорошего.


I am left to wish you success and health :)
Looking forward to your audio recordings.

Unless otherwise specified, text and photos are copyright


100% SP - manual translation to SP( except for the prize fund #photo-process)


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Hello @bambuka
I must say that this is a really particular initiative, I had not seen something similar before, and I find it very interesting.

I will do what it takes to participate, I think it is something that adds up, that gives a variety in the ways to make a participation in Steemit.

Thanks to @weisser-rabe for mentioning me 🙂 🙂

Good to see you @josevas217
I would appreciate your participation.
You're the first to respond to the initiative and I really appreciate it.
Thank you🖐 😊 👍

Very interesting...
Fingers crossed 🤞🤞🤞

🖐 😊👌

Ah... One more question: do you think it makes a difference whether they are male or female voices?

Of course there is a difference between male and female voices.
But this is most likely due to the perception of a particular person. Everything is very individual.
Maybe it makes sense to have two versions of text recording (male/female) in the same language.

Wow! I very much hope that many interested people from many language areas will make themselves available! This is a good idea and a completely new approach to working together constructively here on the Steem.

Thanks for the encouragement :)
I too hope that the initiative will not be empty.

Maybe we can attract a few friends, all of whom have beautiful voices: @josevas217, @graceleon, @myskye, @romanie, @petface,... And I'm thinking about German, Italian and French ;-)) Does this also work in Urdu, Bengali etc...? I see possibilities...!

Estoy a la orden 🫡 para lo que deseen hacer. Me gusta el proyecto, cuenten conmigo ☺️

I don't know how interested they would be, but it would be great. It could be an interesting and useful project.

How interesting 🧐 Can you please confirm @bambuka that all you require is for the text posted in Russian to be read out loud in English for example with the voice recording shared here in the comments? You don’t expect us to do the exercise itself by repeating a phrase etc. but just to translate and provide a recording of it? Thanks👌

our platform continues to hide comments from us....
Hi @petface, I only saw you now )
Yes, you got it right. This is not yet an exercise that it's time to do. This is just the text part of the exercise and I am asking speakers of other languages to voice this text in their native languages.

but just to translate and provide a recording of it?

Yes, that's what I'm asking for :)
Thanks🖐 😊 👍

So naughty, I have noticed myself too that sometimes it takes a while for a comment to become visible. You see it on SteemWorld as an activity but it doesn’t show underneath the article. Anyway, it is what it is but most importantly thanks for coming back to me on this! I will give reading it out loud in English and providing a recording of that a try hopefully tomorrow evening 🎙️

  ·  7 months ago (edited)

I will be very grateful to you :)
Looking forward to your voice 👍

Please remember the pauses, it's very important.

There you go @bambuka 🎤 👩‍💻

Oh, thanks for the mention of this interesting initiative, I will do my best to participate, just these days I have been working on some audio recordings. GREETINGS.


Talk to the master of this initiative... ;-))

the text can be voiced in any of the languages.
It is important for me to hear the "right" intonation. An intonation that is in the spirit of the text being presented. It's important.

I have to try.
You won't understand a word.
But the language itself is like honey 🍯🍯🍯

It's important that native speakers of your language understand it.
I appreciate it, thank you :)

I'm sure I can't understand your words, so I pay attention to the pauses between the sentences I've marked in the text. In these places I have to put a certain signal for a pause - a snap of the fingers.

I did the voice-over for this exercise in urdu.
I sent it to you on discord. Is it ok? Or do I have to link it here also?
I can't seem to find a way ;)

Hi @bambuka, This is where I leave my participation. I hope it works.

Hi, @josevas217
I'm sure you made a great audio recording, but I can't open it


The service writes that I don't have access and I have to request it. I requested it. but nothing has changed.

Can you post this file somewhere else?

Hi @bambuka
That's strange, I thought you could listen to it. Please try with this new format, to see if you can, if you can't, let me know so I can look for another way to do it.🙂

Hi @josevas217.

Great. 👍 I was able to download this file to my computer. I like the way you voiced this text, great, thank you very much.
Can you please tell me how I can put your name in the description of the video.

You can put me as Jose Vasquez, if that's okay with you. And thanks for the opportunity. Good that this time you were able to listen to it and download it.

Yes, I'm fine with whatever you are comfortable with in this matter :)
Once again, thank you very much for the work you've done.
I've already started editing the video, but I won't be able to finish it today. Maybe tomorrow )

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Thanks for stopping by and support :-)
And I appreciate that!

Always a pleasure @bambuka!

Have an awesome Monday!!

🖐 😊👌