Happy family is greatest blessing!!

in hive-185836 •  5 years ago  (edited)

Family is an atmosphere that loves me unconditionally. One of the things am grateful on this journey of life people I have met, the friends I have made, the degree I have attend, the life I have, my caring parents, supportive husband and joyful son, I don’t take all that for granted. I wish to spend most of time with my family. It’s an expression I hear often but is hard to quantify because every family is different from each other’s and its mean will vary from household to household.
For some people it may mean pulling out the board games once a week, for others it’s having in-depth conversations around the dinner table, and for some it may be enjoying a sport together or watching movie together.
Whatever it means to you, it’s essential that you make it a priority for yourself, your relationship and your family.


Spending time with my own family is something near and dear to my heart – especially as I now live in a different country to them. I count down to the Christmas holidays every year when I know we will all be together again.
I know I am lucky – not everyone has had the kind of childhood I’ve had. Most people look at our family and think ‘there’s something just a little different about them’ – and I wouldn’t change that for the world.
When we were growing up we had our moments. We argued, played tricks on each other and even tried to get our little brother to do our chores for us without anyone noticing! We had our disagreements, but through it all we were family, and we stuck with each other whether we liked it or not – through thick and thin. I’m glad I have the family I have.


There are many defining moments for our family, in advance stage of my delivery I was fatigue and nervous due to some complications of my pregnancy. But my parents were brave, they recognised our strengths and handed over a lot of power. My husband was very much caring and supportive by nature.
Spending a solid few months in each other’s company made us realise our own strengths and weaknesses, but also those of everyone else. We learned how to support each other, and to this day there is no one I would rather have behind me than those four people. Before you have friends, teachers, colleagues, and partners, you have family. From mums and dads to siblings and relatives, the relationships you build are a starting point for all of the other interactions you have with the world, and the people in it.
I realized that the ways my family are important change throughout my life, from changing my nappies to my son’s nappies a long journey they have passed with full of love and affection.
However and whenever I need them, the people I call family will be there – but it takes effort. Building the bonds between family members can be instantaneous, or it can take work. Take my elder sister and I for example. We used to fight like cats and dogs. We loved each other, but we weren’t always friends. Now as adults we appreciate each other’s differences and lean on each other’s strengths.


Don’t just assume it will happen. Just like the meeting you talk about but never book, there’s always a risk it will fall between the cracks. Whether it’s a promise to eat dinner together every night at the table, or a weekly excursion to a park, schedule family time and make plans around it.

It’s easy to think ‘we see each other all the time, we can do it another time’, but once you fall out of the routine it’s much harder to schedule it back in there. Remember that this is not time you get to opt out of. While it’s important to do things as a whole family, it’s also important to find time to spend with individuals – including my partner and my new invitee my cute son Aryav!! So plan date nights together that can even be a movie once the kids are in bed or and take turns to take my child to the park or plan for taking ice-cream for all members in my family.
My greatest pleasure is spending time with my family. I love my family with all my heart. I hope you all so.

Thanks for reading!!

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