Direct applying of watercolour on dry paper gave me a new style of creating a painting. This is the second time I using this method.
With this way I gets good watery textures on the paper.
I am getting a better feel on this style of painting... And I hope that I could make more with this mode.
I always loved making nude female paintings. This was a part if exploring the beauty of a woman's body.
I had already made many nude paintings based on great photographs by great photographers and this one is my latest.
The reference I used is here in this link -
Some more pictures for getting an idea about my drawing style.
I think I am improving in my own way of painting with watercolour, and so much excited about your response to my these paintings. I hope our dear friend @art-venture will have a sight at this post, your comments are like a honour to artists like us.
Thanks for reaching here for me.
See you next time