It is just funny that I am still not sure right now if I do have Tuberculosis or not because my Pulmunologist only based his diagnosis from the chest X-ray that I had about four months ago.
We were required as a dialysis patient to undergo some CoViD test and chest X-ray at that time so that we will get screened as a measure to ensure the safety of other dialysis patients and the nurses if we happen to have the CoViD.
Then after my chest X-ray was read by the Hospital's Pulmunologist he said that I have an impression in my lungs so I was schedule to the last batch of patients for my dialysis for two months because of that considering that I am not coughing and not showing signs of TB.
A sample of a source where you can get good bacteria for your gut
I was prescribed with taking the antituberculosis drug rifampicin-Isoniazid and advised to get a consultation every two months. I now completed the four months drug therapy but still there are no changes on my Chest X-ray.
After my last visit to the Pulmunologist yesterday I just got prescribed again with the said drug and the doctor just told me that after I completed the drug therapy I am already graduated and I do not know what wil be the next steps after that.
Now to combat the bad side-effects of that antibiotic in my gut fauna I am just taking a good bacteria drink which can help me maintain my intestinal health because if good bacteria will become low I might get an infection and toxin build-up from bad bacteria that will flourish if good bacteria will get wiped-out.