I Had Found A Way Not To Suffer Much From The Side-Effects Of Cinacalcet

in hive-185836 •  4 years ago 


I had been enduring the main ill-effects of Cinacalcet for a painfully long time already but without Cinacalcet I would be in a flameless hell already. Imagine your back being pinched with its muscles with a giant clothespin, that is how I would describe it.

Not to mention pain in other parts of my body like the tailbone, the hands where just clenching it is painful enough to do, and my feet's joints which are now uncooperative.

Basically all the working joints will be in a much terrible pain had I not get into the Cinacalcet therapy. The tablet is small but it is so pungent and horribly-smelling that I would hold and rub it on a fabric just to take some of its nauseating smell. Gasoline's smell is much sweeter than the smell of a Cinacalcet tablet.



I just have to take it with a heavy meal. I am trying to finish-up my rice or food for that matter before taking Cincalcet. It is my way of reducing its nauseating side-effect after taking it.

I also do not lay down immediately after eating so that the dissolved tablet would not find its way to my esophagus and cause such bitter taste in my mouth which I wasn't able to figure out before because I am eating while lying down during the first and second year of taking it and that really had caused me to suffer that awful bitter-aftertaste.

Actually is not "bitter" per se but rather a much more awful, a sort of metallic-tasting sensation that lingers a lot during the course of the day so sometimes I would try to sleep just to get away with it.

It just affected the way I am eating my food, I really could not eat much before because of the appetite-loss that it is causing me but I still needed to take it because I needed it very much so that I would not suffer from a certain misery of a lingering pain caused by weakening bones and joints because of my hyperparathyroid issue.

I am just tied to it until maybe with some miracle that I get to normalize my parathyroid then I could maybe stop using it by then but now because of the ill side-effects that is making against my well-being in that regard I really want to bury it and forget about it which unfortunately I could not do currently.

Now I found a way as stated that I am trying to eat the heaviest meal that I can do so that I will not get to suffer the batter-metallic aftertaste that Cinacalcet causes me.
But I can never bring back my normal appetite level until I get rid of using Cincalcet for my Parathyroid.

My prayer is that my parathyroid would get normalized with its function in the future so that I will never have to take this awful drug anymore. There is also an alternative drug that is just only available in Japan and it is called "Evocalcet" which has the same therapeutic effect but no such side-effect like nausea and appetite-loss.

I do not know why Evocalcet is not available still in my country but in japan only because many dialysis patients needed that drug terribly for the reason that cinacalcet is not really a tolerable drug to use. I am just fortunate enough to endure it maybe because of my normal blood count levels.

Had I've been suffering from appetiteloss already before I went under this dreaded drug therapy I wouldn't be just be able to last in ever taking it like the other patients who really tried but had given up because of such negative effects against their appetite in particular.

So now at least I had found some way to lessen the blow of this drug and I really also have to starve myself up before eating otherwise I will not be able to eat more which is why I am almost doing an intermittent fasting so that I can get some urge to eat more just to diminish the bitter aftertaste and the the nausea that Cincalcet is causing me. I just hope that I can graduate from this drug the soonest possible time.

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