The inevitable of humanity's self-destruction can happen if not for a divine intervention because the signs are already here too numerous to mention.
Lo inevitable de la autodestrucción de la humanidad puede suceder si no es por una intervención divina porque las señales ya están aquí demasiado numerosas para mencionarlas.
I remember the gulf war that happened in the early 90's and it is one of the traumatizing events for me at least for a moment because although I am far away from Kuwait and Iraq, I still have something major to lose from that historic war. It is because my father was working in Saudi at that time, I can't remember if he was working as a heavy-duty equipment mechanic in Jeddah or Riyadh but we thought that he was in great danger at that time considering that I was still very young at that time and basically just a kid although I am already in my first year of studying in high school.
Recuerdo la guerra del golfo que tuvo lugar a principios de los 90 y es uno de los acontecimientos traumatizantes para mí, al menos por un momento, porque aunque estoy lejos de Kuwait e Irak, todavía tengo algo importante que perder de esa guerra histórica. No recuerdo si trabajaba como mecánico de maquinaria pesada en Jeddah o en Riad, pero pensamos que corría un gran peligro en aquel momento, teniendo en cuenta que yo era muy joven y básicamente un niño, aunque ya estoy en el primer curso del instituto.
Seeing missiles being fired into the sky gave me the worst anxiety ever from my then young and naïve mind that's why.
Ver misiles siendo disparados al cielo me produjo la peor ansiedad de mi entonces joven e ingenua mente por eso.
Being so young and clueless about the extent of the gulf war, I just thought that the war could harm my father at that time considering that indeed he is far away indeed. It was my first time seeing rockets that are fired and intercepted in the sky. It also made me wonder why a big missile is used to intercept a smaller SCUD missile. I do not even know why American soldiers or Army for that matter was there in the first place because all I know is that they are there by "default" so that they can restore peace and order or something like that.
Siendo tan joven y sin tener ni idea de la magnitud de la guerra del golfo, sólo pensé que la guerra podría perjudicar a mi padre en ese momento teniendo en cuenta que, de hecho, está muy lejos. Era la primera vez que veía cohetes disparados e interceptados en el cielo. También me hizo preguntarme por qué se utiliza un misil grande para interceptar un misil SCUD más pequeño. Ni siquiera sé por qué los soldados estadounidenses o el ejército estaban allí en primer lugar, porque todo lo que sé es que están allí por "defecto" para que puedan restablecer la paz y el orden o algo así.
Considering that my father was working as a mechanic who fixes tanks in Saudi gave me an great amount of worry for his relative safety.
Teniendo en cuenta que mi padre trabajaba como mecánico que arregla tanques en Arabia Saudí, me preocupaba mucho su relativa seguridad.
My anxiety about that event is comparable to like a loved one trapped in a bank for example and being held hostage by bank robbers, it is how I would put it with regards to my deep worry about the situation of my father which was currently working in Saudi Arabia at that time. That is why I regarded it as a very traumatizing event because it was my first time seeing the images and videos that are simultaneously being shown by our local news outlet here in my country via CNN's live coverage which also was a new thing during that time. It is being broadcasted live in the early hours of the morning as well.
Mi ansiedad por ese suceso es comparable a la de un ser querido atrapado en un banco, por ejemplo, y retenido como rehén por unos atracadores, así es como lo describiría en relación con mi profunda preocupación por la situación de mi padre, que en ese momento estaba trabajando en Arabia Saudí. Por eso lo consideré un acontecimiento muy traumatizante, porque era la primera vez que veía las imágenes y los vídeos que emitía simultáneamente nuestro noticiero local aquí en mi país a través de la cobertura en directo de la CNN, que también era una novedad en aquel momento. Se está transmitiendo en vivo en las primeras horas de la mañana también.
From a prospective of a young mind, the distance of threat doesn't matter but the danger to a loved one was the great big factor.
Desde la perspectiva de una mente joven, la distancia de la amenaza no importa, pero el peligro para un ser querido era el gran factor.
The effect of that "gulf war" had been felt economically here when the gas prices rose which had given way to the hike of the price of fare in tricycles and jeepneys which are both a vital means of transportation that we use here in my country. My anxiety about that war by Saddam Hussein was dispelled after learning that my father was relatively safe and that he is quite far away from the war after my mother was able to call him via a telephone communication which is our only way to call my father. We have no telephone line for calling my father right away so my mother just have to go to the city and enter the nearest Telecom company and pay for an overseas call. All is well after that telephone call from my mother which made us not to worry anymore.
El efecto de esa "guerra del golfo" se sintió económicamente aquí cuando subieron los precios de la gasolina, lo que dio paso a la subida del precio del billete en triciclos y jeepneys, que son dos medios de transporte vitales que utilizamos aquí en mi país. Mi ansiedad por la guerra de Saddam Hussein se disipó al saber que mi padre estaba relativamente a salvo y que se encuentra bastante lejos de la guerra después de que mi madre pudiera llamarle por teléfono, que es la única forma que tenemos de llamar a mi padre. No tenemos línea telefónica para llamar a mi padre de inmediato, así que mi madre sólo tiene que ir a la ciudad y entrar en la compañía de telecomunicaciones más cercana y pagar por una llamada al extranjero. Todo fue bien después de la llamada de mi madre, que nos hizo despreocuparnos.
The wired telephone was the only means of communication from the early 90's which we don't have, so we've gotten a dose of worry first before talking to my father in an utmost hurry.
El teléfono alámbrico era el único medio de comunicación de principios de los 90 que no tenemos, así que nos hemos preocupado antes de hablar con mi padre con la máxima prisa.
However, this time around the war in Ukraine is different because of its on-going effect to the people worldwide. The economic impact in my perspective is still not that bad because at this current time we are still not experiencing the worst impact yet if it happens that the war in Ukraine would spill-over to the other regions in Europe particularly to Baltic states which are NATO allies. I do not think that NATO will just brush off any Russian incursions over the territory of NATO countries because of the commitment of defending the aforementioned countries and that could more possibly be a start of world war three considering that there is no hope to negotiate with Russia anymore because of Putin's mindset or the way of thinking.
Sin embargo, esta vez la guerra en Ucrania es diferente debido a sus efectos sobre la población mundial. Desde mi punto de vista, el impacto económico todavía no es tan grave porque en este momento todavía no estamos experimentando el peor impacto si se da el caso de que la guerra en Ucrania se extienda a otras regiones de Europa, en particular a los países bálticos que son aliados de la OTAN. No creo que la OTAN se limite a ignorar cualquier incursión rusa en el territorio de los países de la OTAN debido al compromiso de defender a los países antes mencionados y que podría ser más posiblemente un comienzo de la tercera guerra mundial teniendo en cuenta que no hay esperanza de negociar con Rusia debido a la mentalidad de Putin o la forma de pensar.
Bad things now happens like an electricity, you can always feel it with you bare hands and bones although the source of it is so far away from home.
Ahora las cosas malas suceden como una electricidad, siempre puedes sentirla con tus propias manos y huesos aunque la fuente de la misma esté tan lejos de casa.
Usually when there are wars in other countries like what happened in Lebanon, in Kosovo, and this recent war in Syria which had no effect in the global economy are just a thing of curiosity for me. But again it is different now because of the involvement of Russia which is being controlled by murderers and thus causing many lives to be lost in the process. My great concern which is giving me a level of anxiety is that if war would reach my country in the event that world war 3 happens, I am just scared of the physical misery that will happen to me because of my situation of being a dialysis patient. That is my basic fear and I regret that I will be in a worst disposition compared to other people who could just be getting a problem where to get their next meal for the day.
Por lo general, cuando hay guerras en otros países como lo que ocurrió en el Líbano, en Kosovo, y esta reciente guerra en Siria, que no tuvo ningún efecto en la economía mundial son sólo una cosa de curiosidad para mí. Pero de nuevo es diferente ahora debido a la participación de Rusia que está siendo controlada por asesinos y por lo tanto causando que muchas vidas se pierdan en el proceso. Mi gran preocupación, que me produce un nivel de ansiedad, es que si la guerra llegara a mi país en el caso de que se produjera la tercera guerra mundial, sólo tengo miedo de la miseria física que me ocurriría debido a mi situación de paciente en diálisis. Ese es mi miedo basico y lamento que estare en la peor disposicion en comparacion con otras personas que solo podrian tener un problema de donde conseguir su proxima comida del dia.
Armed criminals are indeed a threat to society but armed criminal governing a big country is a threat to the existence of humanity and it is as worse as it can be.
Los delincuentes armados son, en efecto, una amenaza para la sociedad, pero que un delincuente armado gobierne un gran país es una amenaza para la existencia de la humanidad y es lo peor que puede haber.
Although the markets seems to be going okay, I am still not convinced that it will be getting normal economically anytime soon. That is why the "markets" are somewhat being held back but with a good reason, it is because it is literally worried about a thing that will get it derailed in an instant, and that factor is the war situation in Ukraine. The current war has still a big risk for getting worst if Putin suddenly decides to make an even bad move with his efforts to take-over Ukraine by making a war to NATO. I am sure that he knows what will be the repercussions of such "moves" however he can still do an unimaginable thing because again, the way he thinks where his view on reality is only about dreams of fantasies, to make a great nation which never had happened from time immemorial.
Aunque los mercados parecen ir bien, todavía no estoy convencido de que se vaya a normalizar económicamente en breve. Es por eso que los "mercados" están un poco frenados, pero con una buena razón, es porque están literalmente preocupados por una cosa que los hará descarrilar en un instante, y ese factor es la situación de guerra en Ucrania. La guerra actual tiene todavía un gran riesgo de empeorar si Putin de repente decide hacer un movimiento aún peor con sus esfuerzos para apoderarse de Ucrania haciendo una guerra a la OTAN. Estoy seguro de que él sabe cuáles serán las repercusiones de tales "movimientos", sin embargo, todavía puede hacer una cosa inimaginable porque, de nuevo, la forma en que piensa donde su punto de vista sobre la realidad es sólo acerca de los sueños de fantasías, para hacer una gran nación que nunca había sucedido desde tiempos inmemoriales.
The markets are still iffy and that we can see because there still a big factor that our assets will cash and burn to an unpredictable level never before seen.
Los mercados siguen siendo inciertos y eso lo podemos ver porque sigue habiendo un gran factor de que nuestros activos hagan caja y se quemen a un nivel impredecible nunca antes visto.
Some people are still searching for a sign of when the world will end. Well for me it is already showing under our noses. The war by a seemingly powerful country is not what I am expecting and yet it is happening. For now, Russia is still warring against Ukraine but the possibility of making it global is also high. So I am not really comfortable in even thinking about it because of the direct impact in my life and also to the lives of the people that I love and care about. It makes me feel angry deep inside me as if I am forced to live in the same house with an individual which have nothing good to do but to spread hate, death, and destruction. However it is really what is happening right now in the current time on a global scale. It seems that this world will go into self-destruction no mater what the conditions are because of the major differences that we have from religious to political ideas and beliefs, the friction never ends and is now being felt as heat from a far away country which could spread to eventually burn humanity that surely will set us back to the "Stone age".
Algunas personas siguen buscando una señal de cuándo se acabará el mundo. Pues bien, para mí ya se está manifestando delante de nuestras narices. La guerra de un país aparentemente poderoso no es lo que yo esperaba y, sin embargo, está ocurriendo. Por ahora, Rusia sigue en guerra contra Ucrania, pero la posibilidad de que se convierta en mundial también es alta. Así que no me siento cómodo ni siquiera pensando en ello por el impacto directo en mi vida y también en las vidas de las personas que quiero y me importan. En el fondo, me enfurece, como si me viera obligado a vivir en la misma casa que un individuo que no tiene nada bueno que hacer, sino difundir el odio, la muerte y la destrucción. Sin embargo, es realmente lo que está sucediendo en la actualidad a escala global. Parece que este mundo se autodestruirá sin importar cuales sean las condiciones debido a las grandes diferencias que tenemos desde ideas y creencias religiosas a políticas, la fricción nunca termina y ahora se siente como calor de un país lejano que podría extenderse para finalmente quemar a la humanidad que seguramente nos devolverá a la "Edad de Piedra".
The wide array of differences in humans as I see it just creates divisions and tribalism to a certain extent which cause destruction and not building for progression which I guess eventually the bitter way it will ever end.
El amplio abanico de diferencias en los humanos, tal y como yo lo veo, sólo crea divisiones y tribalismo hasta cierto punto que causan destrucción y no construyen para el progreso, lo que supongo que a la larga es la amarga forma en que acabará alguna vez.
The way that things are going and could happen in the coming days, weeks, months, and years the more reason that we have to turn to God to dispel our fears...
...for the time being we all have to pray to God to put some light in Putin's thoughts and mind and a heart into his chest because it is only the effective force that we can spiritually do best.
Translated in Filipino [Taglish]
I remember the gulf war that happened in the early 90's and it is one of the traumatizing events for me at least for a moment dahil kahit malayo ako sa Kuwait at Iraq, may major pa akong mawawala sa historic war na iyon. Sa Saudi kasi ang tatay ko that time, hindi ko maalala kung heavy-duty equipment mechanic siya sa Jeddah or Riyadh but we thought that he was in great danger at that time considering that I was still very young at that time and basically just a kid although first year na ako sa pag-aaral sa high school.
Dahil napakabata at walang kaalam-alam tungkol sa lawak ng giyera sa golpo, naisip ko na lang na ang digmaan ay maaaring makapinsala sa aking ama sa oras na iyon kung isasaalang-alang na siya ay talagang malayo. First time kong makakita ng mga rocket na pinaputok at naharang sa langit. Nagtataka din ako kung bakit ang isang malaking missile ay ginagamit upang maharang ang isang mas maliit na SCUD missile. Hindi ko nga alam kung bakit nandoon ang mga sundalong Amerikano o Army for that matter in the first place dahil ang alam ko ay nandoon sila by "default" para maibalik nila ang kapayapaan at kaayusan o kung anu-ano.
Ang pagkabalisa ko sa pangyayaring iyon ay maihahambing sa tulad ng isang mahal sa buhay na nakulong sa isang bangko halimbawa at na-hostage ng mga magnanakaw sa bangko, ito ay kung paano ko ito sasabihin tungkol sa aking malalim na pag-aalala tungkol sa sitwasyon ng aking ama na kasalukuyang nagtatrabaho sa Saudi Arabia noong panahong iyon. Kaya naman itinuring ko itong isang napaka-trauma na kaganapan dahil ito ang unang pagkakataon na makita ko ang mga larawan at video na sabay-sabay na ipinapakita ng aming lokal na news outlet dito sa aking bansa sa pamamagitan ng live coverage ng CNN na bago rin noong panahong iyon. Ito ay bino-broadcast nang live sa madaling-araw din.
Damang-dama ang epekto ng "gulf war" na iyon dito nang tumaas ang presyo ng gasolina na nagbigay-daan sa pagtaas ng presyo ng pamasahe sa mga tricycle at jeepney na parehong mahalagang paraan ng transportasyon na ginagamit natin dito sa aking bansa. Nawala ang pagkabalisa ko tungkol sa digmaang iyon ni Saddam Hussein matapos malaman na medyo ligtas ang aking ama at medyo malayo siya sa giyera matapos siyang matawagan ng aking ina sa pamamagitan ng komunikasyon sa telepono na tanging paraan namin para matawagan ang aking ama. Wala kaming linya ng telepono para tawagan kaagad ang tatay ko kaya kailangan lang pumunta ng nanay ko sa siyudad at pumasok sa pinakamalapit na Telecom company at magbayad para sa tawag sa ibang bansa. Maayos na ang lahat pagkatapos ng tawag na iyon mula sa aking ina na naging dahilan upang hindi na kami mag-alala.
Gayunpaman, ang oras na ito sa paligid ng digmaan sa Ukraine ay naiiba dahil sa patuloy na epekto nito sa mga tao sa buong mundo. Ang epekto sa ekonomiya sa aking pananaw ay hindi pa rin ganoon kalala dahil sa kasalukuyang panahon ay hindi pa rin natin nararanasan ang pinakamasamang epekto kung mangyari na ang digmaan sa Ukraine ay mag-spill-over sa ibang mga rehiyon sa Europa partikular sa mga estado ng Baltic na NATO. mga kapanalig. Hindi ko akalain na tatapusin lamang ng NATO ang anumang mga paglusob ng Russia sa teritoryo ng mga bansang NATO dahil sa pangakong ipagtanggol ang mga nabanggit na bansa at mas posibleng maging simula ng ikatlong digmaang pandaigdig kung isasaalang-alang na walang pag-asa na makipag-ayos sa Russia. dahil sa mindset o paraan ng pag-iisip ni Putin.
Karaniwan kapag may mga digmaan sa ibang mga bansa tulad ng nangyari sa Lebanon, sa Kosovo, at itong kamakailang digmaan sa Syria na walang epekto sa pandaigdigang ekonomiya ay isang bagay lamang ng pag-usisa para sa akin. Ngunit muli ito ay naiiba ngayon dahil sa pagkakasangkot ng Russia na kontrolado ng mga mamamatay-tao at sa gayon ay nagiging sanhi ng maraming buhay ang nawala sa proseso. Ang aking malaking pag-aalala na nagbibigay sa akin ng antas ng pagkabalisa ay kung ang digmaan ay umabot sa aking bansa kung sakaling mangyari ang digmaang pandaigdig 3, natatakot lang ako sa pisikal na paghihirap na mangyayari sa akin dahil sa aking sitwasyon ng pagiging isang dialysis patient. . Iyon ang aking pangunahing takot at ikinalulungkot ko na ako ay nasa isang pinakamasamang disposisyon kumpara sa ibang mga tao na maaaring nagkakaproblema kung saan kukuha ng kanilang susunod na pagkain para sa araw na iyon.
Bagama't mukhang okay na ang mga pamilihan, hindi pa rin ako kumbinsido na magiging normal ito sa ekonomiya anumang oras sa lalong madaling panahon. Iyon ang dahilan kung bakit medyo pinipigilan ang mga "merkado" ngunit may magandang dahilan, ito ay dahil literal itong nag-aalala tungkol sa isang bagay na makapagpapadiskaril nito sa isang iglap, at ang salik na iyon ay ang sitwasyon ng digmaan sa Ukraine. Ang kasalukuyang digmaan ay mayroon pa ring malaking panganib na lumala kung biglang magpasya si Putin na gumawa ng kahit na masamang hakbang sa kanyang mga pagsisikap na kunin ang Ukraine sa pamamagitan ng pakikipagdigma sa NATO. Sigurado ako na alam niya kung ano ang magiging epekto ng mga ganitong "move" gayunpaman ay nagagawa pa rin niya ang isang bagay na hindi maisip dahil muli, ang paraan ng kanyang pag-iisip kung saan ang kanyang pananaw sa realidad ay tungkol lamang sa mga pangarap ng mga pantasya, upang makagawa ng isang mahusay na bansa na hindi kailanman. ay nangyari mula pa noong una.
May mga taong naghahanap pa rin ng palatandaan kung kailan magwawakas ang mundo. Well for me it is already showing under our noses. Ang digmaan ng isang tila makapangyarihang bansa ay hindi ko inaasahan at gayon pa man ito ay nangyayari. Sa ngayon, nakikipagdigma pa rin ang Russia laban sa Ukraine ngunit mataas din ang posibilidad na maging global ito. Kaya hindi talaga ako kumportable kahit na isipin ito dahil sa direktang epekto sa buhay ko at pati na rin sa buhay ng mga taong mahal at pinapahalagahan ko. Nakaramdam ako ng galit sa kaibuturan ko na para bang pinipilit akong tumira sa iisang bahay kasama ang isang indibidwal na walang magandang gawin kundi ang magkalat ng poot, kamatayan, at pagkawasak. Gayunpaman, ito talaga ang nangyayari ngayon sa kasalukuyang panahon sa isang pandaigdigang saklaw. Tila ang mundong ito ay mapupunta sa pagwasak sa sarili anuman ang mga kundisyon dahil sa mga malalaking pagkakaiba na mayroon tayo mula sa relihiyon hanggang sa pulitikal na mga ideya at paniniwala, ang alitan ay hindi natatapos at ngayon ay nararamdaman bilang init mula sa isang malayong bansa kung saan maaaring kumalat upang tuluyang masunog ang sangkatauhan na tiyak na magbabalik sa atin sa "panahon ng Bato".
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