My hospital is using solar power but it affects the dialysis treatment sessions nowsteemCreated with Sketch.

in hive-185836 •  last year 



Using a solar energy to power our appliances inside our homes and maybe our businesses is a very good way of saving money the moment that we get to the point of return of investment (ROI) in which afterwards we can already get a free and green source of energy. We just hope that there will no major catastrophe that could happen to the hardware like the solar panels and other parts of the circuitry so that we can continue the use of the free energy that it would provide.

That is one major caveat of using solar energy, the durability of them for lasting extra years to make us ROI because otherwise there is no point of getting a free source of energy other than being off-grid for a few years which doesn't make sense if you are aiming to get a free source of energy.



Using green energy is very good but it has to be tailored for our needs to avoid disruption in what do in our homes or businesses.

However the cost of the solar panels now had gotten down considerably and thereby making it worthwhile to use solar panels because of the short time in getting your money back and at the same time a relative more time in using your solar hardware in the process and thus the use of solar energy now has never been more recommended especially in places where the sun is always up in most times of the year. Buy we can never accurately predict the weather as sometimes it will get cloudy due to the typhoons that comes many times in a year.

The advantages of using solar energy was the reason that maybe the owner of the dialysis center where I am getting my dialysis treatment from decided to opt-in for using the sun's to power the dialysis machines including the water pump and maybe the water treatment system as well because powering these energy hogs costs a lot of money. I am not sure if the A/C system is included to be suing the solar power system but if it does then it is also an added strain for the said solar power of the hospital. The technicians should have been taken that into consideration which is why the dialysis treatment of the patients are getting affected due to inadequate power supply.



The relatively cheaper solar panels which can be bought nowadays are cheaper which is why the return of investment is faster and makes it a recommended source of energy for many households and business owners.

The thing is that every dialysis machine including the water pump are an energy hogs indeed. There is a hot water system in the dialysis machines where it it uses heat to sterilize the pumps and hoses inside it and for that reason each of the eight dialysis machines are like water heater or a kettle considering that it also has a lot of motors too to move heated water and blood from the patients while in the other hand, the water pump is already using high energy plus that it also has to work for almost a day everyday to supply the dialysis machines with water.

The problem now is that the solar panels and batteries are not adequate enough for supplying the eight dialysis machines plus the water pump and maybe the television plus the two A/C system that the dialysis center is using which is why the water pump would fail in delivering water to the dialysis machines more often because of inadequate power. It interrupts the cleaning process and I am not sure if the internal clock for cleaning the blood stops or not but if it just continues, it will cut the patient's blood cleaning time which is not a good thing to happen.



A working water pump and a working water treatment facility is a crucial part of hemodialysis treatment because otherwise the dialysis treatment will not happen.

I hope that the nurses had reported that issue to the management of the hospital that runs the dialysis center because it will not be good for the patients because of a lost time from a supposed four hour dialysis treatment session time which for every minute of being hooked-up is very important for each patient because it is the treatment session day is the only time that our blood is cleaned where the quality for me from my dialysis center is still remains a question.

The water pump by the way must not fail so often because it might get damaged in the process and for sure it would definitely interrupt our schedules, cost the hospital some fees, make the nurses to travel further away, and it may cause us to get transferred in a far-away dialysis center which had happened before. I also hope that the hospital management to consider in improving its solar energy use because obviously the set-up that they are using right now is inadequate enough to cause some troubles in the dialysis process.



High-five for the owner of my dialysis center for using solar energy to power the dialysis machines because it will save the hospital operating costs and will earn him dividends for sure because of the high cost of electricity in our country compared to the cost of electricity from countries around us.

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