Sometimes Its Just Luck

in hive-185836 •  4 years ago 


Here's a picture I wanted to share which acts as a perfect example of how sometimes you just need a bit of luck when taking photos.

This is from a shoot I did with Nicole that wasnt really going to plan. It was ok, but not quite what I'd hoped for. Just the location and weather didn't quite work out how I wanted to it was difficult to get the look I had planned for. Then just by luck as the sun was setting it produced a really beautiful sunset which made an awesome looking scene.

We only had a few short minutes of the sky like this but thats all we needed to get this shot. Its a good reminder to me if things aren't going exactly to plan, just keep trying as things can change at any minute and sometimes luck just gives you a hand to get the results you wanted 😊

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I like your work, this is a beautiful picture!