Gecko🦎 spotted with a prey on it's mouth, God the wonderful maker, almost everytime i do think deep seriously, many things happen that we can't fatom we just have to know that He is a maker of things.
A common smaller ants will carry a prey more bigger than itself yet they will carry it and keep moving slow slow, i will be like wow what a wonderful maker work at hands
My prayers for you, you and myself will not become victim of evils or become prey for our enemy, the Lord will keep our coming in and going out, blessed we are jn the Lord.
This gecko🦎 was doing her hurting around the house, i mean varenda to be precise, i saw it intended to strike at first but this insect is very lucky, it flew away; in between it was about to started raining 🌧 i have to be quick, go outside and packs clothes on the line, while i was running inside i spotted this ladd i went to drop in the clothes and return still met it there, i took out my mobile phone to capture such remarkable scenes before it runs away, more photos captured are right here below.
Thank you everyone and have a blessed night rest.