A Very Strange Day!

in hive-185836 •  2 months ago 

Have you ever had one of those days where it feels like the entire day is one long misunderstanding?


It all began this morning when I got an order — which was very nice — to one of my Etsy shops for several items to be mailed to a customer in Germany.

About two hours later, I got a message from the same customer, asking me to please cancel the order and send a refund. That made me a bit sad... we can really use that $100 right about now.

Another two hours later, I got another message from the same customer, saying that she would now like to keep the original order, and could she add one more item to it... on the condition that there would not be an increase in the price of shipping.

Given the preceding back-and-forth, I sent back a message asking for confirmation... and I now wait for a reply. It was just a bit strange.


Today we were also going to take receipt of the new oven and cooktop for our kitchen that our middle son helped us buy, because the old one had a number of problems. It was very generous of him, of course, as we couldn't afford the replacement, otherwise.

So the delivery crew arrive... and then declare that they cannot install this kind of oven because they are "not authorized" to work with liquid propane like we have here.

This, in spite of the order including the natural gas to liquid propane conversion kit, and the order clearly stating that a liquid propane installation was necessary.

After much phone calling, they ended up leaving the new oven here, but we would have to hire our own installer.


This turned out to be quite tricky, and we learned that several of our local installers have gone out of business — or moved away — in the last year or so. So now we not only have an extra oven sitting in the kitchen until next Thursday, but we are also going to have to pay an extra unexpected $300 for the conversion and installation.

While most ovens and cooktops are designed to run on either natural gas OR propane, the actual jets have to be changed for propane because it runs at a higher temperature and is more "energy dense" than natural gas.

Technically speaking, the conversion is not required, but it would be a bit like running your regular lawn mower on rocket fuel!


So, 2025 continues to be off to a bit of a bumpy start... but I'm taking the positive view that we are getting all the kinks worked out of the system first thing!

Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful first weekend of 2025!

How about you? How is the start of YOUR 2025? Leave a comment if you feel so inclined — share your experiences — be part of the conversation!

(All text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is ORIGINAL CONTENT, created expressly for this platform — Not posted elsewhere!)

Created at 2025.01.04 01:14 PST

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