Another Month Comes to an End — How Time Flies!

in hive-185836 •  3 years ago 

Happy Halloween everyone... if you happen to be in a part of the world that celebrated Halloween.

Growing up in Denmark, we didn't have Halloween when I was a kid... I think the holiday has been "imported" substantially, since then and is now fairly common in Denmark.

Halloween was a bit of a "culture shock" when I arrived in the USA in 1981! The "culture shock" part being that adults got involved so fervently... it wasn't just for kids.

Our "Laughing Dragon" mascot with pumpkin!

Another Month...

For most who read this, it will already be November. Here on the US west coast we have just under an hour of October left, so I am trying to get this post our before it formally becomes November!

Time sure flies, whether you're having fun... or not!

As I have probably said a few time before in these pages, it's ironic how — when we were little kids — it seemed so weird how the adults would always be talking about time "flying." I could only remember sitting in the classroom in grade school, and every second of some immensely boring arithmetic class would feel like hours long.

Now that I have become the age of "those adults, back then," I have a much better appreciation of what they meant, and how it does seem like time is moving ever faster, and we have less and less of it.


It's All About Perspective!

October was somewhat of a "productive" month for me, and I am setting the intention for November to be "more of the above."

2021 — in general — was going to be my "year of getting organized," but I am far behind where I had hoped to be... even though the piles of random papers on my desk are getting slowly smaller.

I suppose it is just part of the experience of being human that we always think we could do better than we are doing!


NaNoWriMo is This Month...

The NaNoWriMo (stands for National Novel Writing Month) challenge is November every year, and has been since 1999. I have tried 8-9 times, but I have never managed to finish an actual book-length manuscript in 30 days.

That's what the challenge is about: Write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days.

I just don't think I was ever meant to be a fiction writer; I am far better at non-fiction and writing commentary on the human condition... so I think I will stick to that.

And I am definitely giving NaNoWriMo a hard pass this year. Maybe after I retire (if that ever happens!) I'll have another go at it!

And that's officially the end of October!

Thanks for reading, and have a great week!

How about YOU? Does it feel like time flies, at least compared towhen you were younger? Or have you not noticed? Have you ever tried the NaNoWriMo challenge? If yes, how did it turn out for you? Do leave a comment — share your experiences — be part of the conversation!

(All text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is ORIGINAL CONTENT, created expressly for this platform — NOT A CROSSPOST!!!)
Created at 20211031 23:41 PDT

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