Happy New Year 2025! The Tax Man Cometh!

in hive-185836 •  2 months ago 

We have made it to another year... and now we write 2025, a quarter-century already gone!


In keeping with the fact that we are increasingly a pair of old fuddy-duddies, we spent a quiet night at home, near midnight watching a local TV news station showing the fireworks in nearby Seattle and otherwise avoided the whole party scene!

As we have done most years in the past, New Year's Day was a quiet affair at home, eating good food, reading and not doing much in particular... and basically getting ready for the resumption of work on Thursday.

And, not surprisingly, Thursday came rushing in with a vengeance!

Among today's mail, a notice from the Internal Revenue Service that we owe an additional $1347.39 in taxes for last year, and please to send it in immedately!


There's an old saying "Sometimes you just can't win for losing" and that really feels very applicable here!

Anyway, we have no way of coming up with that kind of money on short notice, so I am resorting to the only possible option... I am having to power down my Steem... which is really super annoying, as I was really hoping to have a year without "disturbances" so I could just focus on building... but I guess it was not to be.

Annoying to get such a notice several days after the payment would have been due, so now I will also have to get on the phone with thwm to argue about the timeliness of the notification.

Waste of time, loss of money... not an auspicious start to 2025!


I suppose I should just be grateful that the Steem is even there so payment — even if late — is at least a possibility. I'm just trying to find something positive in this situation! It is actually not the first time Steemit has come to the rescue in a dire financial situation...

Now we just have to keep our fingers crossed that the price of Steem doesn't take a sudden nosedive in the next month or so... I (literally) can't afford any more negative financial news.

In other news, it looks like our middle son (36) is coming here to live with us for a couple of months while his job is "dormant" for the winter. It's a strange situation because it is a permanent job, but it's seasonal to the extent that he gets laid off in late December and doesn't have work again until mid-March.


Well, time to get back to wok here... I suppose I will bypass setting much in the way of goals for Steemit this year...

Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful Friday!

How about you? Have you ever gotten a sudden unexpected tax bill? Would you generally be able to face a sudden expense? Leave a comment if you feel so inclined — share your experiences — be part of the conversation!

(All text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is ORIGINAL CONTENT, created expressly for this platform — Not posted elsewhere!)

Created at 2025.01.02 19:02 PST

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