"What are you doing?" my mother would sometimes ask.
Did you use that excuse in your childhood? And was it an excuse, or was it the actual truth?
I have always been very fond of doing nothing. I like being quiet and still, and not having to be engaged in anything in particular. In fact, I believe that "nothing" is a fine way to pass some of your day!
I also believe a lot of people are taught that nothing is akin to idleness, and that's a bad and even evil thing that will land you with a one-way ticket to Hell. You know, the whole "Protestant work ethic" and what springs there from.
It's ironic, in a way because people get terribly stressed and overworked as a result of having too much something in their lives to do... and then they go off in search of workshops and retreats that will teach them how to embrace... nothing.
My being drawn to stillness and doing nothing is not something I have come to as a result of aging. In fact, I was always "the quiet kid in the corner when I was little, and I tended to be happiest if I were just left to my own devices with a favorite book.
Seems like there was a time when "being quiet" was pretty acceptable... I more and more get the impression that it has come to be regarded as slightly creepy in our day and age... and even associated with "those types" who suddenly go crazy and start shooting up schools and offices.
I'm not sure when we latched onto the idea that we are somehow "missing out on life" unless we are cramming "something" into every waking moment of our existence? The thing about always trying to run so fast is that we never sit still long enough to actually enjoy and appreciate what we have!
Practice gratitude! And practice stillness... and learn about the joy of doing nothing!
Thanks for stopping by, and have a great week!
How about YOU? Do you take time to do nothing? Or does it make you feel anxious if you're not engaged in something, all the time? What do you think would happen if you just STOPPED? Do leave a comment — share your experiences — be part of the conversation!
(All text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is ORIGINAL CONTENT, created expressly for this platform — NOT A CROSSPOST!!!)
Created at 20211108 23:28 PDT