On Being a Late Riser in an Early World...

in hive-185836 •  2 years ago 

I am one of those people who has always struggled to get up in the morning.

That was true when I was a little kid, it was true and I went to school and was at university, and it has always held true even during my working life as an adult.


Although I definitely like how it feels when I'm up in the morning and getting stuff done with the rest of the world it just doesn't come naturally to me. Sure, I can set an alarm clock and force myself to get up, but then I usually spend the first few hours of the day being rather grumpy and not particularly productive... my brain is all cotton-woollery and unfocused!

Being able to get up at a later hour is one of the joys of being self-employed! It also means that I tend to stay up later at night and I do a lot of my work at night. As you have probably noticed - at least if you live in the Pacific time zone - many of my blog posts don't appear until after 10:00 pm at night.

Now, you might be wondering why this is even a big deal, and why I would consider this to be "blog worthy."


Well, it can be rather challenging, at times... from a functional perspective. The problem is that the world is designed around life's early risers.

For example, in my line of home-based business I have to go to the bank and I have to go to the Post Office on a regular basis. And that means I have to deal with places that are open for business between 8:00 in the morning and 4:00 in the afternoon. If you consider that I am barely functional until 11:00 in the morning, it also follows that I have already missed out of three hours of so-called "business hours," before I am even getting started.

I'm not saying this as a point of complaint; it is simply a reality of life in my existence.


I have definitely tried getting into a routine where I do a large part of tomorrow's work the night before, but that doesn't always work for me because part of what I do involves answering emails and responding to questions on eBay and Etsy and those come in not only during normal business hours in my own time zone, but often they come from people who live on the US East Coast and thus have an additional 3-hour time jump on where I am.

Yes, I have considered the possibility of changing the way I do things by forcing myself to become a morning person, but part of my reason for being self-employed is precisely to have the freedom to do things on my own schedule. So I guess I'm going to keep puttering along on the schedule I have!

Still, it is a bit challenging at times.


I am definitely grateful to have diversions such as my Steemit blog, which goes out to a truly global audience, so time matters less.

But sometimes I do wish the remainder of my schedule was as accommodating!

Thanks for reading, and have a great remainder of your week!

How about you? Are you a morning person or a night owl? Do you find that your "natural" schedule fits in well with the rest of the world? Do leave a comment if you feel so inclined — share your experiences — be part of the conversation!

(All text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is ORIGINAL CONTENT, created expressly for this platform — Not posted elsewhere!)
Created at 2023.05.24 00:13 PST

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