On Knowing What to Do — Fumbling Around in the Dark...

in hive-185836 •  3 years ago 

In most cases, the truth of life is that it doesn't come with an instruction book.

When you let that sink in, it also seems to hold true that — most of the time — we don't really know what we're doing, and we're basically fumbling around in the dark, trying to get from Point A to Point B without too much of a clue.


I remember feeling pretty lost in January of 1981, when I arrived in Austin, Texas... pretty much fresh off a plane from Europe. There I was, about to start University, and pretty much everything was a bit of a culture shock. Sure, I'd been to the US before... with my parents when I was six, and later when I was thirteen (incidentally the first time I met Mrs. Denmarkguy... but that's a whole other story!) but that didn't really give me much of a footing.

It's interesting how we are all human beings, and yet we so often do things completely differently, from country to country. I was 20 years old when I arrived in the US... and I had already lived in a dozen countries on three continents! So I was no newcomer to "other cultures."

Even so, I still felt like I was "fumbling around in the dark" when I got off that plane at Robert Mueller Airport in Austin.


What's my point here?

Most of the time, it seems like we go through life basically faking it, with respect to whether or not we actually know what's going on, and what we're doing. For example, I've been more "seriously" involved in the cryptosphere for about five years... and I still feel pretty clueless about it all.

And much of the time? I'm still fumbling around in the dark, trying to understand the nuances of things like "Decentralized Finance" and how "Yield-bearing Tokens" actually work.

Meanwhile, I've been a homeowner for many years, but I still pretty much "got schooled" on the ins and outs of heaters and air conditioners, yesterday.


Do we ever become competent enough at things that we fully escape that feeling of fumbling around in the dark?

Somehow, I am not entirely convinced that we do. But I'm OK with that... I think the "secret" (if there actually IS one!) is simply being willing to admit that you don't know most things!

Thanks for stopping by, and have a great week!

How about YOU? Do you feel like you know what's going on? Do you adapt quickly and easily to change or new things? Do you ever feel like you are fumbling around in the dark? Do leave a comment — share your experiences — be part of the conversation!

(All text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is ORIGINAL CONTENT, created expressly for this platform — NOT A CROSSPOST!!!)
Created at 20220208 00:27 PST

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My school yearbook said about me at the time: "She lives with such an amazing routine that you would think it's not for the first time..." ;-)) I myself have never experienced myself like that - obviously one's own perception is quite different again.

In meinem Schuljahrbuch stand damals über mich: "Sie lebt mit so einer erstaunlichen Routine, daß man meinen könnte, es ist nicht das erste Mal..." ;-)) Ich selber habe mich nie so erlebt - offensichtlich ist die eigene Wahrnehmung noch einmal ganz anders.