One of the goals I often set for myself at the beginning of a new year is to get better organized!
It's a suitably vague goal that doesn't really contain any specifics, although I know in my heart what it is I'm trying to accomplish.
One of my many stacks of scribbled notes...
My goals for 2023 haven't gone super well, but one of the things I have managed to accomplish his get down to sorting my old writing sketches and notes. Here under, going through it all and throwing away ideas that absolutely are not relevant anymore!
In going through many hundreds of handwritten notes and little scraps of paper, one of the things I've noticed is that it's pretty much always the same things that are on my mind, and are causing me enough consternation to write about.
I suppose we could interpret that as my being quite consistent! Then again, we could also interpret it as my not really doing anything about situations I'm not entirely comfortable with.
I think one of my most consistent writing topics for the past 30 years has been that relating to The Human Condition and how people often tend to choose the easy way out rather than examine the deeper issues that are troubling them. As such, we end up with lots of folks who are essentially "sleepwalking" through life, not really caring to examine the actual reasons why they feel eternally dissatisfied with their lives.
Of course, I can't really be too critical of them. After all, I did something similar when I was in my 20s and early 30s, and sometimes we just need some kind of wake up call to make us realize that following the predestined plan laid out by society may not be all at it's promised to be.
When I was about 30 years old, I had worked hard and had pretty much everything that "on paper" amounted to a measure of a successful life, and yet I was growing increasingly restless and suicidal. That's what I mean by "a wake-up call."
But getting back to sorting my paperwork, I felt good about the fact that I was in fact making inroads on my 2023 goals.
We only have about a month left of this year, and it feels like it has been a rather chaotic year. It also feels like I haven't gotten nearly as much done as I had hoped. And yet? When I look around me I see some of the "chaotic spots" around the house looking a lot cleaner than they did at the beginning of the year. And that has to be a good thing!
But there's still a lot that needs to be thrown away and organized! And those tasks will go on to my 2024 goals. Part of the reason I'm somewhat concerned with all this is that Mrs. Denmarkguy and I are looking to eventually move from this house to a smaller place, and it would be nice if the process of sorting ahead of moving was relatively small. Hence getting organized early matters!
For the moment, though, I am grateful to just have a fairly quiet holiday weekend where I can look at these things, undisturbed by external demands of usual weekdays!
Thanks for stopping by, and have a great weekend!
How about you? Do you consider yourself well organized? Leave a comment if you feel so inclined — share your experiences — be part of the conversation!
(All text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is ORIGINAL CONTENT, created expressly for this platform — Not posted elsewhere!)
Created at 2023.11.25 00:28 PST