One of the reasons I have always liked blogging better than writing articles for magazines and journals is the fact that I can mostly write in what I like to call "a conversational tone."
In other words, my writing doesn't have to be "scientific," or follow any specific guidelines, it is more like simply having a dialogue with somebody who sits across the table from you, telling a story.
Once upon a time I was actually a technical writer in the IT industry.
I ended up bailing out precisely because the whole thing felt too formal and stiff... aside from which I couldn't shake the feeling that I had somehow "sold out" by agreeing to write someone else's stuff, rather than my own.
Sure, the money was decent... but so what?
Taking Informal Notes...
I generally use as many tools as possible to help me.
One of the things I particularly like using is the "speech to text" feature on my phone.
Many of my blog posts start while I'm actually nowhere near the computer... like this one. These notes are actually being taken asI "talk to myself" while I am folding clean clothes I just got out of the dryer... and I suddenly had this idea that I wanted to write a post about the different styles of writing.
Later tonight — when my day is done and the house is quiet — I will retrieve these notes and expand them into to a full blog post that hopefully makes some sense to people, and might even serve as inspiration!
The vast majority of my Steemit posts are written in a "conversational" voice... which fits well since I am not writing instructions for something, nor am I doing a review or a "point-to-point" description of some specific event.
I'm not for a moment claiming that there's a "right" or "wrong" way to write... we each have to find the "voice" that works best for us. I just happen to like an informal "conversational" tone the best!
Thanks for reading and have a great Friday!
How about YOU? Do you have a preferred writing style? Do you like the generally "informal" style of blogging? Do leave a comment — share your experiences — be part of the conversation!
(All text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is ORIGINAL CONTENT, created expressly for this platform — NOT A CROSSPOST!!!)
Created at 20220826 01:03 PDT