RE: MIA - Death Warmed Up

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MIA - Death Warmed Up

in hive-185836 •  9 days ago 

Yikes! So sorry to hear you had a rough week, but glad you're on the mend. Seems like a lot of folks are going through the wringer recently (both health wise and in the psychic sense); the world feels more out of balance than usual.

I haven't been around for about a week, myself... my energy levels just tanked although I thankfully escaped actual illness.


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Thank you @denmarkguy <3 Feeling a lot more human again, thank goodness! I detest being ill!!!!

Seems like a lot of folks are going through the wringer recently (both health wise and in the psychic sense); the world feels more out of balance than usual.

Yes, I have to say I have noticed the same - in fact more often than I care to acknowledge if I am honest...

I haven't been around for about a week, myself... my energy levels just tanked although I thankfully escaped actual illness.

Just came from your profile a little while ago, so saw that - understandably though... you have just made a huge change in your life and have a lot going on upstairs in the noggin no doubt :)