Show Up Every Day... Even if Just a Little!

in hive-185836 •  3 months ago 

There is an entire industry out there, dedicated to nothing other than teaching people how to be successful.


Whereas I'm sure much of this advice is good and well meaning, most people don't have the personalities to do what is recommended. That was something I learned while I ran a couple of businesses, several decades ago.

One of the most important things "regular" people can do to help themselves is simply show up" every day. You don't need some kind of inspired genius or special talent, you just need to do a little "something" every day. Having that dedication" can actually put you ahead of those who operate purely by "divine inspiration" because such inspiration is often sporadic, rather than consistent.

I have often suggested that same thing to those who ask about how to succeed here on Steemit... as far as I am concerned, just show up every day and do even a little with your blog, or comment on a few blogs. Engagement matters!


If you have ever placed a bucket under a dripping water faucet, you'll understand how something that feels like "practically nothing" can absolutely become something in a surprisingly short amount of time.

My object lessons in this idea have come not only from blogging, but also from 25+ years of selling things online. There are many days when I have felt like just not bothering because it seems like I have put in soooo much time and effort and the results have been nothing. The temptation — because we are human, after all — is to just say "this is not working" and quietly give up, but that is when showing up and doing just a little in the face of adversity and disappointment can make all the difference.

What often holds true is that we tend to have an unrealistically positive expectation about many things we undertake, hereunder the tendency to believe that success will be ours much more quickly than reality allows. It's nobody's fault, really... we make our plans and projections based on conditions staying the way they currently are, rather than potentially getting worse.


The world of crypto is actuality a good example, because so many people "pile in" when things are already going well but end up bitterly disillusioned when the upward trend stops... or even reverses.

I share these words now, because there is no more important time to be "showing up every day" for our Steemit blogs than at this time when the Cryptosphere is just starting to have positive rumblings after a very long "bear market."

This is not investment advice, it is life advice!

I write this as someone who was part of Steemit when our Steem token went as low as seven cents and less than 8 months later it went all the way to eight DOLLARS. I'm very grateful that I kept going during those slow times!


Of course, I don't always manage to stick to my own advice! After all, I am just a regular human...

That said, I do know that consistency of effort is often the difference between something really spectacular and something rather so-so.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving here in the US and there is much to be thankful for, even in what has been a less than amazing year for many folks.

Gratitude matters! Even when it feels like life is working against us, we can usually find something that is good and worthy! Be grateful for it!

Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful remainder of your week!

How about you? Are you good at showing up, even when things are going badly? Or do easily get disappointed? Are you celebrating Thanksgiving, where you are? Leave a comment if you feel so inclined — share your experiences — be part of the conversation!

(All text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is ORIGINAL CONTENT, created expressly for this platform — Not posted elsewhere!)

Created at 2024.11.27 10:30 PST

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