The Annoyance of Back Pain, or... "I'm Not 29 Anymore!"

in hive-185836 •  3 years ago 

It's fall, and it is rapidly getting darker and colder around these parts.

When you're a homeowner, there are always things to be done... including the process of "winterizing" parts of the house and garden, along with trimming trees and the like.


I was reminded of the imminence of the cold season this morning when our central heater came on, for the first time since somewhere back in April.

Along with that, came the annual process of making sure that the outdoor part of the heater (heat pump) is free of leaves, and not entangled in the rather invasive ivy that grows around back of our house. Ivy can be very pretty, and a great groundcover... but it also climbs trees and house walls... and pretty much anything else it can find.

And it can tear siding right off your house, too!


Anyway... after about two hours of ripping and tearing I not only had the side of the house and the heat pump housing completely freed from the ivy, I also got it out of the tree that grows at the end of the house.

It definitely looks much better and it was a job in need of doing... but late this afternoon I started developing sharp pains in the right side of my back.

Of the many things that can happen, back pain is one of my least favorites. It's just really debilitating, and I sometimes end up making it worse because I start "favoring" the side that feels injured. In this case, I could barely get out of my office chair to head upstairs for dinner!


On the whole, I have been blessed with pretty good health and a strong body... but (perhaps because I am really tall and have a "long" back?) occasionally I get slowed down by back pain when I have been doing yardwork or housework... and it's also a poignant reminder that I am NOT 29 anymore!

Hopefully it will be gone in a couple of days! It'll be another hot shower for me, and early to bed.

Thanks for reading, and have a great remainder of your weekend!

How about YOU? Do you ever get afflicted with back pain? Is it usually from yard work, and such? Do you recover fairly quickly? Do leave a comment — share your experiences — be part of the conversation!

(All text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is ORIGINAL CONTENT, created expressly for this platform — NOT A CROSSPOST!!!)
Created at 20211009 23:25 PDT

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