The Challenge of “Showing Up Every Day”

in hive-185836 •  3 months ago 

I was reading an interesting article the other day, in which somebody had tracked the result of using two different strategies to promote a product or a service.


One approach was to be genuinely interested in something but to focus your energy and promotional effort on the time periods when you were feeling energetic and inspired. In other words, it was an approach that ran the range between feast and famine.

The other approach was to steadfastly do pretty much the same amount of promotion and publicity every day regardless of whether you felt like it or not.

As an adjunct to that, on the version where people were going by inspiration and energy level, it should be added that these people in "Group A" often had days when they actually did way more than the people in the steady "Group B." Of course they also had days where they did nothing at all.


At the end of some months — I forget how many now, but I think it was 24 weeks — the outcome was that the results garnered by the "steady" group were on the order of 300% better than the result bye the "inspirational" group.

Whereas I did expect that outcome, I did not expect the sheer magnitude of the difference. I guess it also goes to show that people need to be reminded of your presence constantly or they almost immediately start to forget about you.

That might sound a bit disappointing to those who believe in "reader loyalty," but I have to — grudgingly, perhaps — admit that it does take much slacking off to lose an audience!


Which brings me to the importance of consistency, when it comes to building a blogging audience, and the importance of showing up every day and publishing something even when you don't feel like it.

For me, today is one of those days! I spent the better part of seven hours doing volunteer work at the event I'm attending this weekend as an art vendor, and on top of that I also had to do my regular work and then it occurred to me I really ought to write a blog post as well... even though it is 11:30 at night and the only thing I really want to do is go to sleep!

I even had the conversation with myself that "maybe it isn't all that important" because the price of Steem has suddenly dropped and so there's not that much in it... then I had to remind myself of the importance of showing up every day.


And so, even though this may not be the most interesting piece of writing on the planet, I decided to show up and take an extra 45 minutes out of my evening to put some words together, illustrate and publish.

Thanks for coming to visit, and have a great remainder of your week!

How about you? Are you good at consistency? Or do you more often create according to your mood and inspiration? Leave a comment if you feel so inclined — share your experiences — be part of the conversation!

(All text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is ORIGINAL CONTENT, created expressly for this platform — Not posted elsewhere!)

Created at 2024.06.19 23:51 PDT

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My father told me that in the long term a penny received every day was more important than a larger amount from time to time... I think the same thing happens with everything, the constant is felt and noticed over time, it is like affection and tenderness, taking care of the plants, watering them every day and not just when you feel like it...

Very nice post, I really liked it.

Greetings to you, blessings🤗