On doing puzzle solving to find the meaning and the philosophy of the life; What are we really doing here in the life?

in hive-185836 •  12 days ago 


So, what are we doing in the life? Well, we are moving and breathing, and that is about using the heart, the lungs and the brain! So, doing research on these things is sensible and intelligent, and we should move and do things in relation to what we think, and in relation to what is our philosophy and mission in the life while we are being there as we are.

Life is a puzzle with thousands of pieces that need to fit into place, and we should stay and be patient here while we are in the life as we are when operating as we are doing. So, the keys to the life, are about dwelling with how things are, and why things are as they are, and we are here in the life to win the academic battles and other kinds of battles in the markets while we are here.

So, puzzle solving, that is about doing the strange things in the life, and trying to find the solutions in the life. And things are a mystery, and we find both easy and more difficult issues and tasks to be covered when doing here as we are, when we are here. And life is about finding the different aspects of it, and putting all kinds of things together as a whole and unity when we are where we are, and we stay in the battles the whole life, and we are just condemning and rejecting things, if we are not liking them as they are seen and perceived and understood, and we are always together with our friends and families when we enjoy and consume the life as it is coming, being and leaving.

That is the sum of all the pieces in the life that is forming and doing the unity. And the life can be perceived as puzzle solving regardless of where we are, and what we are doing to the times and spaces we are placing ourselves when being here. A piece in the puzzle can be your home, another can be your dog, and the third can be your job, and anything with everything while we are making a whole as we are when grasping the reality and the life when we are here.

You can split up the life in so many puzzle pieces as you want and will. And you can puzzle all the pieces together, and see that the puzzle is making a unity and a whole. That is making a picture, where the different pieces are sliding into each other. All these pieces are making our lives with our human senses and perception while we are here. And we are just humans in the life everyone of us, with the human bodies as they are with making some choices in the life of all conceivable, and we are running out of time to do all the selections of options in the life while we are here, and therefore we must do some choices of all conceivable types when we are living, operating, being, working, and consuming and enjoying our leisure time while we are here. Sometimes the puzzle solving in the life is constant, and we are perceiving the life just as we have done it to any times anywhere before while we are at the earth. And sometimes life is new and more exciting and funny and interesting, and that means that new pieces are coming, and sometimes some pieces must be changed and taken away, and therefore we are just perceiving and being engaged in the life and how it is when we are here. So, the puzzle solving with the puzzle pieces are made such that the pieces are fitting good together.

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Sverre Larsen

Kristiansand, Norway

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